Encourage my children to study Bible

Karen-102804  01/13   6030  

My dear children: Matthias, Jeri, Joanne and David,
Hope you all doing well. Since I don't see you often and have little idea about your daily life. I want to remind you to read Bible daily and be close to God. You are all grownups. I do not want to bother you much. But I do want to say something about this.
Being a mom, I unconsciously worry about your future. Then, by God's mercy, I consciously lay my anxiety on His shoulder. I keep doing the same thing again and again. During this experience, I feel His presence and assurance. Because He is the only One who rules the future, the future of this world, as well as the future of each of you.
Children, please spend time to know Him through His Word. His Word gives you direction for a productive life and strong encouragement about your final destination. God's unshakable and living Word speaks truth regarding this world and your unique struggles. Check what thing is crowding out your time for God or dulling your desire for His Word. Even God's supper good gifts, like a relationship, a successful career, a healthy habit or a wonderful talent, will disappoint you and harm you if those things become idols that distract you from being close to God. Sinners all like blessings, but tend to forget the One who bless.
Ask God to increase your desire and priority to read and reflect on the Bible. God's Word provides the only sure way to hear and understand what the God of the universe says to you. All God's warning, direction and revelation about the future should make a difference in the way you think and behave today and spur you to live fruitful, holy lives. Make time to read Bible! A small change of schedule and daily habits could have a significant impact in your life. Ask God to have mercy on you and help you. This is my prayer for you.