Meet with Attorney  Ro Khanna, the US congressman candidate and ask him about the Newby Class Action Settlement. Please sign up here!

Jennifer-1157  01/09   136280  

Hi All,
Happy New Year to All!
 Please sign up:

Meeting at 7:30PM Jan 14th Thursday  at Milpitas Police Department

1) Class Action Lawsuit Settlement Discussion

2) Stop Water Hike by initiating a New Law

I have reserved the community room for Jan 14th meeting at 7:30-8:30PM. Please arrange your time to attend the meeting. The meeting venue: 1275 N Milpitas Blvd, Milpitas Ca 95035 (Milpitas Police Station).
We will discuss:
1. Newby Landfill Settlement
Should we ask residents to opt out of the settlement?
Will the settlement undermine our efforts of stopping Newby Landfill expansion?
Will residents gain any benefits from the settlement?
What to do will be better for our community?
Should we start our own class action lawsuit or wait for the odor study result?
BAAQMD has denied our grant application. Should we raise funds of $30K to install an odor monitoring system so we will have solid evidence against Newby for winning lawsuits?
Q & A Section
2. Stop Water Hike Initiative
Initiative is a residents' action to put an issue (such as water hike, sewer fee hike and so on) on ballot for the public to vote on. It will take 6 months to collect 10 percent of Milpitas registered voters' signatures.
The initiative can be qualified to be placed on our ballot
by collecting 10% voters signatures successfully . This is a process of making a new law by the people! Please participate to protect your wallet and fulfill your right!.
Team up for canvassing

-26- responses have been recorded.


