
纽约代伟-102179  01/02   7210  



A minor may not contribute money or anything of value given to the child by a parent for that purpose (2 AAC 50.258(e))


A contribution from an unemancipated minor is treated as a contribution from his parents (ARS §16-905(K)(3))


When a person provides his/her dependent child with funds to make a contribution to a candidate, the contribution shall be attributed to such person for purposes of applying the contribution limit (ACA §7-6-205(d))


A contribution made by a child under 18 years of age is presumed to be a contribution made by the parent or guardian of the child (Govt. Code §85308b)


No individual who is less than sixteen years of age shall make a contribution in excess of thirty dollars (CGS §9-611(e))


No unemancipated child under the age of 18 years may make a contribution to any candidate or political committee in excess of $100 (FS §106.08(1)(b)(2))


A contribution by a dependent minor is reported in the name of the minor but counts against the contribution of the minor’s parent or guardian (HRS §11-204(d))


Contributions made by unemancipated children under 18 years of age are considered contributions made by the parent or parents of such children.  The total amount of such contribution shall be attributed to a single custodial parent and 50% of such contribution to each of two parents.  (KSA §25-4153(c))


Candidates may not accept a contribution in excess of $100 from a person who will not be 18 years of age by the date of the election (KRS §121.150(5))


Persons under age 18 may not contribute more than $25 per calendar year, in the aggregate.


A contribution or expenditure by a dependent minor shall be reported in the name of the minor but shall be counted against the contribution limitations of the minor's parent or guardian (MCL §169.253)


Contributions from persons under fourteen years of age are considered made by the parents or guardians and are attributed toward contribution limit. (Mo. Rev. Stat. §130.032(5))


Any contribution or expenditure made by a dependent minor shall be reported in the name of the minor's parent or guardian. (NRS §49-1468)


No individual who is under seven years of age shall make any contribution. (3517.102(B)(1)(c))


For the purposes of limitations on contributions, those made by husband, wife and all unemancipated children under the age of 18 are aggregated to a single family limit.  (21 OS 187.1)

Rhode Island

A contribution from an individual’s dependent children shall be deemed a contribution from the individual for the purpose of determining whether aggregate contributions exceed either the $100 threshold for reporting purposes or the $1,000 maximum for contributions to a single candidate or political action committee or the $10,000 maximum for contributing to all candidates and political action committees within a calendar year.  No dependent child shall contribute an amount which, when added to contributions already made by that child’s parent or legal guardian and by other dependent children of that parent or legal guardian, exceed the $1,000 maximum for contributions to a single candidate or political action committee or exceed the $10,000 maximum for contributions to all state or local candidates and political action committees within a calendar year. (RIGL §17-25-10.1(f))

South Carolina

Contributions by unemancipated children under eighteen years of age are considered contributions by their parents.  Fifty percent of the contributions are attributed to each parent, or in the case of a single custodial parent, the total amount is attributed to the custodial parent. (SC Code §8-13-1330)


 A contribution by a child under the age of 18 of an individual is considered to be a contribution by the individual (VTCA Elec. Code §253.158)

West Virginia

(** may be repealed?)  Minors under the age of 18 may make a contribution if (a) the decision to contribute is made knowingly and voluntarily by the minor child; (b) the funds, goods or services are owned and controlled exclusively by the minor child; (c) the contribution is not made from the proceeds of a gift, the purpose of which was to provide funds to be contributed, or is not in any other way controlled by another individual (WV Code §3-8-12(f))

UPDATED 7/26/05 – HI, KS, KY, MO, SC

Updated June 2006:  Arkansas, Connecticut

Source: http://www.ncsl.org/