为Chuck Page 扫街纪实

Jennifer-1157  04/29   9887  

Street Sweeping for Chuck Page Assembly Campaign D28
California is a deep blue state for the last twenty years. Looking back, we saw the path of the Democrat party which is intending to grow bigger and bigger government and spend more and more money that it doesn’t have. Government’s power is growing, so citizen’s power is diminishing. Out of control spending can’t be sustained, citizen’s rights and power needs to be restored, political power needs to be checked and supervised! We need to realize that it is time to stop one party absolute rule! Now I realize that I need to stand up to tell and to act!
Thanks to Wechat, all Chinese Americans are grouping and communicating through Wechat and we will be organized and united since we know if we scatter as sand, we have no power, and we are no body, but if we are organized and united, we will not be ignored and will be respected!!!
Because of Wechat, I get to know those wonderful people who share the same value and opinion. We have got to do things together.
Today over ten people gathered at Helen Wong’s place to campaign for Mr. Chuck Page! This is my first time in my life to be involved in a political campaign. I am doing this not for my kids but for our next generations in the future. It is not for my race’s kids or next generations but for all race’s kids or next generations.
We are divided into groups of two people and target areas in Almaden Valley. Sean, Lionking, and I are a group. Arriving at Almaden valley, we started with discussing what to say and decided to do it together at the first house. Then Lionking swept one side of the street and Sean and I swept the other side.
Luckily, the first house’s owner answered his door for us. We talked around 20 minutes. He said he is a small business owner and doesn’t like government over regulating business. He listens and speaks his thought. The most heart-touching part is he admires what we are doing.
Another unforgettable scenario is an over 80 year-old white lady opens her door for us. Here is our conversation script:
J& S: Hi, good afternoon. My name is Jennifer and he is Sean.
Lady: Good afternoon!
J&S: We are campaign volunteers for Chuck Page. Do you know him?
Lady: No I don’t know him. Recently I was struggling with some issues and have had no time to read anything yet.
J&S: Do you have a couple minutes? We would like to briefly introduce Mr. Chuck Page to you.
Lady: OK.
J&S: Mr Chuck Page is running for State Assembly of District 28 where you are living. He is on the city council of Saratoga. He was mayor of Saratoga for 8 years. He is father of two daughters and a businessman for over 30 years. He is fiscally conservative and problem solver. He supports education reform and is against SCA5. Do you know what SCA5 is?
Lady: I don’t know.
J&S: SCA5 is a proposal of amendment to the California constitution that is pushed by the Democrat party. It advocates that for college admission, it should be based on students’ color not based on students’ performance in school. Do you agree with this proposal?
Lady: No. it is terrible!
J&S: Do you take part in voting regularly, somewhat, or never?
Lady: I vote every time and never miss.
J&S: Wow. You are inspiring.
J&S: The voting date will be June Third. Please go vote for Republican candidate Mr. Chuck Page!
Lady: Thank you to bring me this information!
J&S: Thank YOU for your support!
After over two hours street swept, we learnt a lot on how to approach the voters. Overall, only one voter refused to take our flyer, while knowing we are promoting a republican candidate. After all, The Democrat party has ruled California for a long time. We have to prepare for a long term fight to restore the balance that is better for Californians and for California future.