Steve Glazer 今晚来到16区会见选民

太阳鱼-1060  04/24   5597  

Steve Glazer 今晚来到16区会见选民。SCA5 就象一把火燃起华人的政治热情。选民的问题基本上都是围绕着SCA5. Steve 指出他支持merit based system,反对color based.我提问:"就我理解,you will oppose any and all efforts to allow discrimination against or giving preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting. " 他答:"Yes!"周大侠把这段话录了下来。不管这段誓言对今后有没有作用,至少我们努力过。四个候选人都见完了,至少让他们看到SCA5 亚裔选民中的位置。感谢各位义工的共同努力。