GOP Minority Out Reach Chair Helen Wang Interview in 2013

Maggie Tian-911  04/04   6148  

Interview questions
Hi Helen
How are you doing? Could I ask your opinion about few questions below?I have a friend work in the media, would like to know about other minority delegate opinion.
Hope to hear from you soon.

1-How did you feel when you know you would be in Tampa, Florida, to attend the event?

It was my honor to be selected as one of the RNC delegates represent the Asian Communities.

2-Is this your first time? If not, please share some experience you had from the last time.

It is the first time I went to the convention as a National Delegate; the last convention I attended was 2004 in NY, as a guest and member of the National Federal Republican Women.

The Last convention in NY was right after 911, RNC provided extensive security around the convention with no delays in the program. We wore Arnold t-shirts and walked around the location enjoying the sightseeing, all the New Yorkers pointed at our T-shirts told us that they like Arnold, it was a great and wonderful experience.

3-What the Republicans have done so far to minority community,Chinese, Vietnamese, Pilipino?

First of all; To stop the Democrats pro-slavery agenda, anti slavery activists founded the Republican Party; passed constitutional amendments banning slavery, extending the bill of rights to the states, guaranteeing equal protection of the laws and due process to all citizens, and extending the right to vote to people to all races, color and all creeds.

The Republican National Committee met for the first time 1856 followed four month later by the first Republican National Convention.

1. Appointed the first Asian American woman to hold a cabinet position, nominated as US Secretary of Labor: Elaine Chao by George H.W. Bush Jr.

2. Nominated the first Vietnamese American to be the nation’s first state legislator Assemblyman Van Tran of California

3. First Asian American Woman to be US ambassador representing President George H.W Bush in Nepal; Julia Chang

4. Appointed Herbert Choy the first Asian American Federal Judge to US Court of Appeals.

5. Patricia Saiki: the first Asian American woman to lead a federal agency; head of US Small Business Administration by President George H.W. Bush.

6. Elected Hawaiian Hiram Fong the first Asian-American to serve as US Senator

7.Republicans elected James Kealoha the first Asian American to be the Lt Governor of Hawaii

8. Ronald Lew was the first Asian American federal judge to serve in mainland US

9. Dick Yin Wong was the first Asian American judge on a US District Count

10. Alan Nakanishi was elected to CA State Assembly; joined party after being imprisoned in Japanese internment camp by FDR, because Republicans would have honored the Constitution.

4-What is the focus of the Republicans in minority community?

Congressman Tom Campbell co-wrote with support by Congressman Christopher Cox a bill to support electing Asian Americans to office to represent their communities.

Santa Clara County Republican Party Chairman Bob Burnett created the chapter “Asian American Republican Alliance ” to reach out to the Asian Community.

Appointed the month of May as Asian Heritage Month by President Bush Sr.

5-Some would say the Democrats focus more on Chinese community than the Republicans? Is that true NO ? Why? see reason

SB Woo created 80% 20% in 2000 asking all Chinese Americans to register and vote as Democrats as a block vote against the Republican Party, but Santa Clara Republican Party Chairman Bub Burnett was the first one against the redistricting for East San Jose and Milpitas that divided the Asian community to four Districts by Assemblyman Manny Diaz in 2000 and our central committee member all got involved helping to stop divided the community.

“eminent domain” for Tropicana (Owner; Chinese), when the City of San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzalez want to take over his property and give to another developer. Republican Party Central Committee member and tax payer Association all involved in helped him and his is a life time Democrat.

Currently, we have two Chinese Americans and one Vietnamese on the Republican Central Committee, and one newly elected Chinese American will be on board for 2013.

6-What did you learn from this convention?

To understand the party’s founding spirit and principles.

7-I am sure you want Governor Mitt Romney to be elected. Why?

Let us take look at history: most of the Presidents had Governor experiences. the Governor of State, just like a head of household, understands the problems of a state (like we understand how to run our family/home), and Governor Romney not only has the experience as a Governor of the only state that has universal health insurance, but also has extensive business experience in creating jobs and helping business (Staples). He is therefore the most qualified person for the job.

Thanks so much.

From: 80-20PACPresident
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 7:09 PM
Subject: Q& A regarding Senator Leland Yee
Reference: A 137 page affidavit prepared by the FBI many days ago, but unsealed
yesterday. To read it, Click here .
1. How long has FBI's agents been tracking Yee? Almost 3 years, since May 2011. Much, if not all, of the checks paid to Yee and
conversations with Yee were recorded.
2. When was the latest meeting between Yee and an FBI undercover agent, &
what did they talk about? 13 days ago on March 14, 2014. Subject? How Yee could get illegal arms for the
FBI undercover agent.
3. What are the charges against Yee? Taking bribes (or wire fraud of honest service) and selling arms without a license.
4. What might be the consequence for Yee? Jail? Jail or not, Yee's campaign for CA's Secretary of State will 100% certain
collapse. CA's Senate leader has already publicly asked Yee to resign.
5. What kind of a person is Yee? (1) Yee is an anti-gun advocate, but he traffics in arms.
(2) Yee's secretary of state campaign advocates for government transparency and
stopping corruption, but his dirty deeds are hidden from the sun and he
took bribes.
(3) Yee swears that he'd always defend Chines Am. interest, but he voted for SCA 5.
Yee said that I asked Sen. Hermandez
"if SCA 5 will negatively impact the Chinese. Hermandez said "no." I believe him
then and I believe him now." Listen to Yee's own words, by clicking here.
I had presided over the DE Senate for 4 years, I have never met a senator who
would take the words of another senator regarding a bill sponsored by that senator.
Every senator would always go back to his/her office and get the staff to begin doing
independent assessment. Leland Yee's explanation was nothing but a lie to
deceive his Chinese Am supporters. He consistently says one thing, but does just
the opposite. Yee is a despicable person.
6. What does it mean for 80-20? 80-20's effort to empower you continues.
A few days ago, 80-20 publicly stated that we need to defeat Leland Yee and Paul Fong
for not defending our rightful interests. It must be done to induce the rest of the AsAm electe 5a8f d
officials to be accountable to us in the future. Now, Yee is gone. Fong is
yet to go. If you live in Paul Fong's election district. Make sure that you tell voters
in City District 1 of San Jose, where Fong is running, not to vote for Fong.
ALL OF US WILL BE EMPOWERED, if we reward and punish the elected
officials according to their performance as a public SERVANT.
7. Anything else? Get every AsAm to register and vote! That is the only lasting
SELF EMPOWERMENT! Respectfully, S. B. Woo, a volunteer
President, 80-20 National AsAm PAC, inc.