围炉夜话 (1)

anonymous-633  04/04   9836  

3/31号那天,Chuck Page 忽然出现在反SCA5的28群里,大家都不相信是真的。他确认是他本人后,由LY主导,和Chuck在28群里像朋友一样聊了一个晚上。对话相当精彩!


大家可以看出,Chuck是一个非常有智慧,愿意去面对问题,解决问题,很温和共和党人。他现在正在为他的选举筹款(离目标还有点远),如果看完他的采访,你喜欢他,请捐出一点钱来支持他,帮帮他,帮他实现他的梦想 --- 在第一阶段,成功胜出加州28区众议员的初选。其实,帮他就是帮助我们自己,帮助加州的成为政治生态更平衡的地方,更能凸显民主的真谛。



“Campfire Chat” in wechat with Chuck Page, Republican Candidate for California AD28 2014 Election
March 31, 2014

Section 1: Introduce yourself as a person.
Should we invite Chuck Page for a quick introduction of himself, besides the (anti-)sca5 stance we already know? I understand that you (Chuck) already have website and a lot of flyers. I just feel that everyone likes to know you as a person, what your job is before being an elected official. Could you share a bit with us about your family too?

I am a Saratoga City City Council member since 2006 and twice mayor. I have been very involved with state issues as member of League of CA Cities Peninsula Div Board and Chair of State Environmental Policy Committee. I fight for cities to have local control to ensure that the state does not mandate programs and actions that we have no funding for. I also work in County issues, like our Expressway Policy Board and VTA board of directors. When I accept a board position, I attend every meeting and work to solve problems by spending appropriately but not extravagantly. I believe in working hard and that we should be allowed to keep much of what we earn trough that hard work.

I am opposed to discrimination in all forms, always. We all do better when we work together to solve problems. SCA 5 is terrible legislation. It would change the constitution of the State to enable discrimination - not just at college level but AT EVERY LEVEL OF PUBLIC EDUCATION - K-8, High School AND College. Martin Luther King said that he longed for the day when people are judged by the content of their character, not re color of their skin. Cesar Chavez said that Students must have initiative - that they must learn to think and act for themselves. Admitting someone to a public school because if their race, sex, national origin, etc., whether it's Kindergarten, High School or College, does not provide an opportunity for those students to have initiative. We must fight for the equal opportunity for Each and every student to succeed regardless of race, national origin, etc. if students are failing to graduate from college, we must look to fix the problem much, much earlier - and help those parents that need to be helped to teach their children.

I have 2 wonderfully daughters, ages 18 & almost 21. My 18 year old is graduating high school this year and is leaning toward attending the University of Alabama! (We are all surprised - it's so far away, but a great opportunity for her). I was married for 23 years and am sorry to say that we divorced several years ago. I started my career as a software developer with IBM, went into Systems Engineering and then management. After IBM I went to Microsoft and ran their Los Angeles Sales Office (team of 36). We moved to Northern CA and I went to work for a computer sales company and built up their networking & design services businesses. I ten did government relations for a couple of companies and after the divorce went after something I had studied and started my own financial services business. I still do that, working for Farmers Insurance, where I am the district specialist for Life & Financial Services (retirement, investment, college savings, etc., plans) as well as having my own clients. I truly live helping people and between the City Council and my business, I do it daily! I see how our state has failed us with so many regulations that limit business and job growth, huge ($300B+) deficits and poorly performing education (CA ranked 47th in USA) and I know that my problem-solving, teamwork and communication skills can help us get our state to the top of all rankings instead of the bottom!