
李春燕-1142  09/18   16626  


转朋友反馈:“当这样的悲剧发生时,大家自己反省但不要指责别人或以后知后觉自居,谁知道这种悲剧就不会发生在自己的孩子身上呢?大家学会关注他人但不指责别人或居高邻下地教导别人。世界上没有一个父母希望自己的孩子走上绝路。可自杀是青少年的第三号杀手。身边有两位父母(美国人)因为子女自杀完全改变了他们的人生轨道。孩子自杀是为人父母永恒的痛和悲哀。我们除了聆听聆听再聆听他们的诉说,作一些我们力所能及和他们需要的事情。千万不要judge 他们。”


Zhangogh Foundation Newsletter          Volume 4 |  September 18, 2015
Flying in Your Time Machine
It’s comforting – however exhaustingly confusing it is – to think you flew away in your time machine. I start by asking Daddy where you are everyday.  After his bizarre, yet seemingly confident, answers, my thoughts flow freely, imagining you – among many things you wished – spending years on an art project or debating with Kant profusely on his intense writing…

I, too, fly in a time machine. Because memory is as close as I have gotten to building, mine comes with a design flaw – it can only go backwards. Very occasionally, we cross paths and I catch a glimpse of your grown silhouette or a trace of your sweet scent, leaving me longing to fly with you.

It's not enough to know our love is timeless, joys are unalloyed. Today, I have a tiny wish: I wish you come home tonight so that I can give you the tightest hug and say what I always say on this day, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHARLIEEE!”

Our Efforts and Impacts
With profound gratitude to all of our compassionate and generous Zhangogh Foundation partners, today, we made the 3rd round of donations to:
Columbia University Department of Psychiatry of $25,000 to sponsor a community service program in adolescent depression treatment and suicide prevention
Millburn South Mountain Elementary School of $1,200 to sponsor a performing art program
On behalf of the children and their families who will benefit from your generosity, we thank you all!

Battling Teen Depression and Suicide
Columbia Psychiatry and NY Presbyterian Hospital, ranked #1 in Psychiatry, are committed to improve prevention, early detection and treatment of adolescents at risk for suicide. In 2014-2015, the hospital and university created a multi-disciplinary task-force charged with reviewing the problem of teen suicide in the Washington Heights community. It became very clear in their report that a coordinated and systemic approach including schools, primary care clinics, community agencies and mental health providers would be necessary to make meaningful improvements.

With the support of Zhangogh Foundation, the faculty at Columbia Psychiatry will start a program aimed to improve knowledge and awareness about adolescent suicide at public schools and primary care clinics in Washington Heights. The ultimate goal is to reduce suicide to zero.

   Donation Update
Well Wishers:          264    
Total Amount:    $ 75,648
Support Foundation
Proudly Sponsoring
-  9/21/2015: Art workshop 
   with Sally Strand, a renown 
   artist, on light and colors in
   pastel drawing at Millburn High
-  Q4 2015: Columbia Psychiatry 
   specialists provide trainings to
   public schools and clinics in 
   Washington Heights community
-  2/2/2016: Performance of The
   Dragon King by Tanglewood
   Marionettes at South Mountain
   Elementary School
-  3/20/2016: 4th round of fund
   distributions to hospitals &
Info & resources >>
"You were born a child of light's wonderful secret - you return to the beauty you have always been." - Aberjhani
Copyright © 2014  Zhangogh Foundation, All rights reserved.

Mailing Address:  Zhangogh Foundation, P.O. Box 297, Short Hills, NJ 07078

Contact:  Vivian Zhong  zhangoghfoundation@gmail.com