The ultimate goal and our strategies

楠曦-626  04/01   6202  

Now have a little time. I think those involved should decide what is the ultimate goal. There are some possibilities I can think of off hand.

1) Defeat SCA5 and prevent its reintroduction in the future if you believe republicans can be united against it. Then the goal is clear. Turn 2 assembly seats from D to R or one senate seat from D to R. This is probably doable but need to focus on the few swing districts. There are no Chinese candidates in these districts to support. Even if there is, focus should be to put everything behind the most likely Rep to win, regardless of color. Don't think you can't do much if the district is far away. Can donate money, help with social media blitz, phone banking etc.

2) Goal is to 'teach some a lesson". Then again should focus on people who may have a chance to win against those you want to teach the lesson to. These can be any candidate with some chance to win but not great. They can even be democrats who is sympathetic if the goal is to show dem party bosses we are strong enough to cause them to lose some control. With the open primary system, this is highly doable in the general election although it's important in district highly dominant by D to have 2 D's get into general. Eric Swalwell's win over Pete Stark last time is a good example.

3) Just want to show off our money and volunteers. Can support anyone and improve their chances by raising a lot of money for them. But they can't win and if it's a very unqualified candidate we run the risk of becoming the laughing stock in Sacramento back room by both parties and may actually lose respect.

4) Want to look at the long term and build infrastructure for future campaigns. This means voter registration, youth leadership training, campaign workshops for our candidates and their key volunteers, identify funding sources, possibly a PAC once there's enough sophistication and money commitment ($100000 a year is sufficient).