Fairy Tale:早安!Good Morning!

点点蓝珊瑚-100645  09/07   17150  

夏天最后一个星期日的早晨,阳光透过浓密的枝叶,照进小白杨的梦乡… 在做什么样的美梦,我亲爱的孩子?脸颊上露出浅浅的笑颜?阳光温柔地注视着熟睡的小白杨,不禁在那甜蜜的小脸蛋上轻轻地吻了一下。小白杨密密长长的睫毛一颤一颤,亮晶晶的露珠儿一闪一闪。终于,睁开了惺忪的睡眼,第一眼看到的是阳光妈妈明亮的双眸、慈爱的容颜 ~孩子,早安!小白杨伸出手臂,拥抱母亲 ~妈妈,早安!

The last Sunday morning of Summer found Little Poplar still in dreamland. Sun Mom was shining through layers of foliages and branches, upon Little Poplar's sweet little face. What sweet dreams are you dreaming, my dear child, with your sweet dimples of a smile? Sun Mom gazed at her child, and gently, she kissed Little Poplar on the cheek. The dark and lush eyelashes shivered; the crystal-like dewdrops sparkled. And Little Poplar woke up to, with dreamy eyes, Sun Mom's bright yet tender look: Good morning, Child! Little Poplar reached out both hands to greet Sun Mom: Good morning, Mom!

9.6.'15 High Line, NYC