
anonymous-114  03/29   4354  



請傳閱美國最新第三黨Justice Party主席 2012年總統參選演說。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0vE5CTTSFI


To understand the Justice Party, read the opening speech at the third-party debate of our 2012 candidate for president, Rocky Anderson :
"We are at a pivotal moral point in our nation’s history. We have all suffered through the sell-out of our government to Wall Street. Young people are burdened with crushing record tuition debt. Millions of families are have lost their homes. Retirement accounts have been decimated, while Wall Street fat cats who are buying our elections have made out like bandits. We’ve never have had the disparity in income and wealth as we see between the very wealthy and all the rest of us since the 1920s. Our poverty rate has never been so high since 1965. Child poverty and infant mortality rates in the United States are next to worst in the industrialized world. And among 50 nations, the United States has the worst rate of women dying in connection with pregnancy and child birth. And under Obamacare, there will be 30 million people without essential healthcare by the year 2022. And during the Bush and Obama years our constitution has been shredded while the imperial presidency has expanded with presidents that think they can unilaterally take us to war, often on a pack of lies, with presidents that think that federal government should have the authority to round up anyone, including U.S. citizens and imprison them up to the rest of their lives without charges, without trial, without legal representation and with the right to habeas corpus and our elected officials are sound asleep. When the Pentagon is warning that climate change is a greater long term security risk to the United States than terrorism. So if you like the way things are going, vote Democratic and Republican. If you want real change, vote your conscience. Vote Justice. Economic Justice, Social Justice and Environmental Justice."