原创/双语童话四则:云的诗篇•Poetry of the Clouds

点点蓝珊瑚-100645  09/03   21013  

一、白鲸父子 White Whale and Child


White Whale wanders with his child over the sea-floor…… Under the kelp-covered coral, are there treasures left by the pirates?

二、走在宽阔的天街上 Walking on the Wide Wide Sky Way

小小孩儿牵着大狗狗,在宽阔无边的天街上行走,大蝴蝶跟在他们脚后......你们去哪儿玩儿? 带上我吧!

Little Kid takes Big Puppy for a stroll on the wide wide sky way. Giant Butterfly follows their footsteps…… Where are you going to play? Bring me! Bring me!

三、你们去哪儿玩儿?Where Are You Going to Play?


Little Pumpkins take a ride on Big Truck, along a country road, singing all the way, with proud Little Car leading the way...... Curious Clouds are following them: where are you going to play?

四、我在哪里呀?Where Am I?

小飞机自己出来玩儿,东看看、西看看,一路上和略过的云彩打着招呼。飞着飞着,迷路了。它看看天空上的白云,又看看底下的白雪,疑惑地自言自语:咦,我好像被云彩包围了?!白云看看白雪,白雪看看白云,咯咯地笑,不说话。小飞机问山峰伯伯:“请您告诉我,这儿是什么地方呀?” 山峰伯伯微笑着说,“孩子,这里是阿拉斯加大雪山。“小飞机想起来,妈妈曾经告诉过他,阿拉斯加是西半球靠近北极的一个地方,那里有很多雪峰和冰川。“我知道我的方位了,谢谢山峰伯伯!”小飞机找到了回家的方向。 

Small Plane is out on his own to play. Looking east and looking west, he says hello to the clouds along the way. He flies and flies, and suddenly realizes that he has got to a strange place - he sees white clouds above and white snow beneath, wondering to himself: Hey, am I lost in a sea of clouds?! Clouds and Snow giggle. Small Plane asks Grandpa Mountain: "Please tell me , where am I? " Grandpa Mountain says with a smile, "My dear kid, this is Alaska snowy mountains." Small Plane now remembers Mom once told him that Alaska is in the Western Hemisphere near the Arctic , where there are lots of snow covered mountains and glaciers." I know where I am now. Thank you, Grandpa Mountain!" Small Plane found his way home.

