
觀察員-166  03/28   5411  

來源:SVCA 臉書群組

3/25 加州西裔和非裔党团联合发表支持SCA5法案声明(原文附後)。对这两个团体曲解事实,混淆视听的行为,SVCA有如下解读:

1Latino 与 Black Caucus所说的Prop209导致非裔拉丁裔人数大幅度下降的结论完全不符合事实,这个由UC/CalState的入学人数可以证明。


3此前,加州众议院D65区代表Sharon Quirk-Silver发表 声明:“don't support SCA5 at this moment"。此时,她作为Latino Caucus的成员同意这份声明,说明在组织强有力的推动下,个人的保证是不可靠的。另一方面,当时她的表态可能也基于防止反对者投票给她65区的对手。


Latino Legislative Caucus and Legislative Black Caucus Joint Statement on

March 25, 2014
Today, the California Latino Legislative Caucus and California Legislative Black Caucus issued the following joint statement regarding the disinformation campaign surrounding SCA 5:

“The California Latino Legislative Caucus and California Legislative Black Caucus jointly express our strong support of SCA 5 (Hernandez) despite its return to the house of origin for further consideration. We share a strong commitment to its passage and all measures that ensure equal opportunity for
all Californians.

SCA 5 would enact seriously needed reforms that would roll back the ban on race as a consideration in weighing college admissions. This will bring fairness and balance to our educational system.

We understand the desire of leadership to have further discussions about this important issue and are committed to ensuring the success of the bicameral commission on issues surrounding recruitment, admissions, and retention. However, we must not ignore the fact that the major reason this measure has been delayed is due to a malicious disinformation campaign being waged by disingenuous ultra-conservative partisans intent on denying equal opportunity for all Californians.

We will not allow bad information to undermine good public policy. There is no question Proposition 209 has led to a tremendous and precipitous decline in the number of African-Americans, Latinos and other underrepresented communities in higher education. Our Caucuses are committed to putting this issue before the voters of California. We will continue to work through the process, but rest assured, we will not stop working until all Californians have equal access to higher education and a brighter future.”