Senate GOP Leader Bob Huff Has Yee's Suspension Resolution Ready...

anonymous-114  03/28   5465  

Senate GOP Leader Bob Huff Has Yee's Suspension Resolution Ready

Senate Resolution 37 Introduced This Morning Calls for Leland Yee's Immediate Suspension

SACRAMENTO - Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (R-Diamond Bar) has introduced another resolution calling for the immediate suspension of a third Democrat legislator, Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) who was arrested by the FBI in San Francisco on public corruption charges yesterday. Huff said Senate Resolution 37 is ready to be acted on now.

"We need to act decisively in order to begin restoring the public's trust," Huff said. "Senate Republicans agree with Senate President pro Tem Steinberg that 'that Leland Yee is not welcome here anymore and he must resign from the Senate or face swift suspension by his colleagues'.

"Senator Yee's indictment details intolerable actions of public corruption: conspiracy to deal illegal shoulder-fired automatic weapons and missiles from international weapons smugglers, and repeatedly engaging in a quid pro quo of performing legislative actions in exchange for large campaign contributions - sometimes in cash.

"These actions led to another FBI raid yesterday in the State Capitol, once again tarnishing the California State Senate. Quite simply, it is time for Leland Yee to go and I will bring up Senate Resolution 37 to formalize the Senate's intent and allow all Senators the opportunity to weigh in on this matter.

"In addition, the Senate Rules Committee must act on my other resolutions calling for the suspensions of Senators Ron Calderon and Rod Wright. While I appreciate Senator Steinberg's assurances that 'neither Calderon nor Wright are coming back,' we must treat all three equally. Only then can the Senate move beyond this dark cloud of ethics violations and corruption. We have many critical issues before us this year, and it's our responsibility to restore trust with the people and renew our focus on the important issues facing California. Talk is one thing, but actions speak louder than words."

Senate Resolution 37 reads as follows: "Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, a majority of the membership concurring, That the Senate hereby suspends Senator Leland Y. Yee from exercising any of the powers of his office as a Member of the Senate until such time as his pending criminal matter is resolved."
