Henandez has asked that SCA 5 be sent back to the CA Senate Desk. Speaker John A. Pérez, Senator Ed Hernandez Joint Statement...

Jack-703  03/17   6017  

Henandez has asked that SCA 5 be sent back to the CA Senate Desk. Speaker John A. Pérez, Senator Ed Hernandez Joint Statement

Created on Monday, 17 March 2014 14:32

SACRAMENTO—Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez (D-Los Angeles) and Senator Ed Hernandez (D-West Covina) released a joint statement regarding the return of Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 5 to its house of origin at the request of the author, and the creation of a bicameral commission on issues surrounding recruitment, admissions, and retention in California’s systems of higher education:

“The overwhelming majority of the Legislature in both houses believes that we have an obligation to provide the broadest access to our three higher education institutions: community colleges, CSUs and UCs. We will be convening a bicameral commission to further this important conversation. Our expectation is that this Commission will engage students, faculty, administration, parents and community leaders in an ongoing discussion about ways to ensure that our campuses can recruit, admit and retain student bodies that reflect all of California. This is a crucial issue for California and this is a conversation we need to have now. Our campuses should be given the tools they need to prepare all segments of our society to succeed in the 21st century economy.

In order to have an honest and thoughtful conversation about recruitment, admission and retention of minority communities in our system of higher education the author has asked that SCA 5 be sent back to the Senate Desk. The charge and membership of the commission will be determined by the Speaker and Senate President pro tem over the next couple weeks. We look forward to working with the commission, both in Sacramento and in meetings around the state, as they engage in these important discussions with the expectation of putting forward recommendations that could be approved either legislatively or by vote of the people as we seek to ensure that California’s campuses remain centers of opportunity for every Californian.”

(Pérez) John Vigna (916) 319-2408
(Hernandez) Tim Valderrama (916) 651-4024

Website of Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez: www.asmdc.org/speaker
Website of Senator Dr. Ed Hernandez, O.D.: www.senate.ca.gov/hernandez