Just saw this PR from Hernandez. 他坚决不死心呀。。。...

觀察員-166  03/17   6325  

Just saw this PR from Hernandez. 他坚决不死心呀。。。

Press Release (Embargoed until 3/17/14 at 3pm) Contact: Janet Chin, Comm. Dir.
March 17, 2014 (626)430-2499
Senator Ed Hernandez Announces Bicameral Commission on SCA 5 and
Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
(Sacramento, CA)---In collaboration with Senate pro Tem Darrell Steinberg and Speaker John Perez, we are announcing the formation of a joint Senate and Assembly Commission tasked with holding hearings up and down the state to solicit expert testimony, as well as public input, concerning SCA 5 and equal opportunity in California’s public institutions of higher learning.
Given the scare tactics and misinformation used by certain groups opposed to SCA 5, we felt it was necessary to have a discussion based on facts and take the time to hear from experts on the challenges our public universities and colleges face with regards to diversity, as well as the implications for California’s workforce and our overall competitiveness in a global economy. Although I have met with, and will continue to meet with, individuals and organizations that have concerns regarding SCA 5, these Commission hearings will be yet another opportunity for people to have their voices heard.
Even though SCA 5 has been moving through the Legislature since early last year, I have agreed to hold the bill until this Commission has completed its work and allow even more time for a robust and constructive debate about how we improve and expand opportunities in California’s higher education system. I look forward to the discussions ahead and the opportunity to work with my colleagues in the Senate and the Assembly, and all Californians, to address the serious inequities in our higher education system.