写给女儿的信 (2015.05.08)
点点蓝珊瑚-100645 07/18 17670
To my darling daughter,
You might think it
is the hardest time in life
I can only assure you there
will be more to come
This doesn't mean life
is endless pain
No no no, life is only full of surprises
of twists, and of turns
Each time you experience pain
like falling to the bottom of hell
You indeed grow taller
to be able to see beyond the horizon
You'd say I know it, Mom
no pain, no gain
But how can I get out of the pain
You still need to live it, Baby
no shortcut in life, simple
When I was your age back then
feeling sadness, I was told
to resist crying
Yet I put my face in the palm and
cried to my heart's content
Then I held my head high
feeling stronger than ever before
I was also told not to laugh wide, or Honey you'd get wrinkles
Nonsense I never listened to and
aren't you proud of your mom
So I'd say to you today~
Cry your tears, for they are
the purest spring from
snow-capped mountains
Laugh your laughters, for they are
the brightest sunshine through
deep-dense forests
I'm actually happy for you that
you are experiencing the pain
And you are expressing how you feel
figuring what, who, when, why, how
Even feeling dumb and sad
everyone does from time to time
It doesn't matter, because you
are the most beautiful and wonderfully creative daughter I have
YOU are the BEST, because