3/17 2:30PM Cupertino市政厅特别SCA-5会议(Fair Education Alliance)

觀察員-166  03/14   6878  

3/17:2:30PM Cupertino City Council Special Meeting(Cupertino Community Hall,
20310 Torre Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014)

Cupertino City Council will hold a special meeting to discuss whether or not to send an opposition letter to California State Legislature regarding California State Constitution Amendment # 5 (SCA-5). If it passes Cupertino will be the first CITY to speak against SCA5!

Come to support this significant event and voice your opinion! If you want to speak on this issue, you can do so in the public comment period. You don't have to have American Citizenship or be a resident of Cupertino to speak. ANY ONE CAN SPEAK.




Date/Time: 2:30PM, March 17, 2014 (Monday)
Location: Cupertino Community Hall,
20310 Torre Ave., Cupertino, CA 95014

Contact Information:
Fair Education Alliance
Email: FairEducationAlliance@gmail.com
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/faireducation