
TOC文宣  07/10   17580  

(左:现任宾州国会共和党众议员Patrick Meehan | 右:华裔民主党候选人李林笛Lindy Li)
前一段时间,各微信群里转发的关于华裔二代李林笛Lindy Li参选宾州第7区国会众议员的消息,在全美国各地华人社区引起了热烈的反响。李林笛今年24岁,有着非常优秀的资质,如在普林斯顿这样的顶尖高等学府蝉联四届学生会主席,这可是非常了不起的个人成就。但是,因为李林笛以民主党候选人的身份参选,引起了许多人,特别是去年在加州经历了SCA5惨痛教训的新兴草根华裔义工们的疑虑。不少华裔民选官员们,支持或带头支持与华裔核心利益背道而驰的法案,反对或带头反对和华裔核心长远利益相符合的法案,这样的例子层出不穷,伤透了许多华人的心。如去年加州华裔州参议员们全部投票支持SCA5;又如在华裔草根义工们奋起反抗SCA5的时候,所谓的华裔政治新星北加28选区的Evan Low,在电视台上公然继续支持SCA5;再如2012年10月,著名华裔众议员赵美心带头否决对华裔有利的高科技移民法案,等等。这些华裔议员们,可都是隶属于民主党阵营的。那李林笛对我们这些草根义工们关心的华裔核心利益的议题上,会是什么样的态度呢?

怀着这样的疑问,金橙俱乐部(The Orange Club,简称TOC)义工们商议,决定以金橙俱乐部的名义分别向李林笛和该选区现任众议员Rep. Patrick Meehan发电邮,询问他们各自在下面三个华裔草根义工们关心的议题上的立场:

2、亚裔哈佛申诉及平等入学权利(其中在给Rep. Meehan的电邮中,我们还询问了为什么他没有联署国会议员敦促教育部和司法部认真对待哈佛申诉的联名信);

联邦众议员Patrick Meehan和李林笛都就我们提出的问题通过电邮进行了回复(回复内容节录见下)。值得欣慰的是,双方都表达了和符合我们诉求的立场。请看:

一、下面是给Rep. Patrick Meehan的问政电邮节录:

“1. Race Considerations in College Admissions:
    a) In 2014, California Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 5 (SCA-5, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senate_Constitutional_Amendment_No.5) seeks to remove the ban of considering racial factors in student admission into California public education system.  It became the watershed event to mobilize Chinese immigrants to be actively involved in American political system. What’s your view on similar bills that would enable/re-enable consideration of race in college admissions? If a legislation to ban racial consideration in college education nationwide is introduced in the Congress, would you vote for or against it?
    b) Recently, 64 Asian American organizations filed an administrative complaint to Department of Education and Department of Justice, urging both to investigate Harvard’s discriminatory admissions practice against Asian American students through de facto racial quota, racial stereotyping and racial profiling. TOC was one of those 64 organizations and I served in the organizing committee for the Complaint. The action has caused nationwide attention from media (full media coverage at https://goo.gl/vYUErT), and the Congress. On June 22, a joint congressional letter, co-signed by Reps. Ed Royce (R-CA), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Pete Olson (R-TX), Glenn Grothman (R-WI) and Dan Donovan (R-NY), was sent to DoED and DOJ, urging them to thoroughly review the material presented in the Complaint (see press release at http://royce.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=397728). Rep. Meehan did not co-sign the letter. We would like to know what Rep. Meehan think of this issue, and why he did not co-sign the letter;
2.  STEM Visas and Immigration:
    a) What’s Rep. Meehan’s view on increasing STEM-related non-immigrant visas (such as H1B, L1, etc.) and legal STEM immigrants? In Rep. Meehan’s view, how the legal immigration, especially STEM visas and immigrations, should be handled in respect to the illegal immigration issue our country faces?"

这是Rep. Meehan办公室7月2日的回复:

“Response from Rep. Meehan:

On the first question: I oppose discrimination, and I am troubled by the allegations made in the complaint to the Justice Department regarding discrimination against Asian-Americans in college admissions. One's race or ethnic background should never be a barrier to admission to American colleges and universities. In our diversity comes great strength as Americans, and that diversity and strength must extend to higher education. As such, I would not support any measure in Congress that would lead to discrimination against anyone based on their race or ethnic background. Please understand there are many letters organized in Congress, and while I did not sign this particular letter, I support its message.

On the second question: It's my hope that the United States will continue and grow its role as the global leader in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math. STEM jobs and the innovation they foster are vital to our economic prosperity, and when the world's best and brightest come to America to learn and work, our nation as a whole is better off for it. We can and should make the visa application process more user-friendly, and we should increase the number of visas so those who come to America to study can stay and contribute to our economic growth for the benefit of all.


“1. Race Considerations in College Admissions:
    a) In 2014, California Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 5 (SCA-5, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senate_Constitutional_Amendment_No.5) seeks to remove the ban of considering racial factors in student admission into California public education system.  It became the watershed event to mobilize Chinese immigrants to be actively involved in American political system. What’s your view on similar bills that would enable/re-enable consideration of race in college admissions? If a legislation to ban racial consideration in college education nationwide is introduced in the Congress, would you vote for OR against it?
    b) Recently, 64 Asian American organizations filed an administrative complaint to Department of Education and Department of Justice, urging both to investigate Harvard’s discriminatory admissions practice against Asian American students through de facto racial quota, racial stereotyping and racial profiling. TOC was one of those 64 organizations and I served in the organizing committee for the Complaint (see more details about the Complaint at http://www.asianamericancoalition.org/p18298). The action has caused nationwide attention from media (full media coverage at https://goo.gl/vYUErT), and the Congress. On June 22, a joint congressional letter, co-signed by Reps. Ed Royce (R-CA), Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Pete Olson (R-TX), Glenn Grothman (R-WI) and Dan Donovan (R-NY), was sent to DoED and DOJ, urging them to thoroughly review the material presented in the Complaint (see press release at http://royce.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=397728). Your opponent, Rep. Patrick Meehan, did not co-sign the letter. We would like to know what you, as an Ivy Leaguer, think of this particular issue, and if you would co-sign a letter like this to DoED/DOJ to support the cause if you were elected;
2.  STEM Visas and Immigration:
    a) What’s your view on increasing STEM-related non-immigrant visas (such as H1B, L1, etc.) and legal STEM immigrants? How do you think the legal immigration, especially STEM visas and immigrations, should be handled in respect to the illegal immigration issue our country faces?”


“1. Race should be not used to discriminate against applicants. Socioeconomic diversity is perhaps a more important factor in the college admissions process. I would vote against such legislation. Instead of pitting one race against another, our focus should turn elsewhere. For instance, investments in high-quality early education generate economic returns of over $8 for every $1 spent. Thus, we should make sure that quality K-12 education is accessible to all, regardless of race and socioeconomic status.
2. Not only am I Chinese-American, but I am also female. More women than men apply to college, so I was disadvantaged twice. I feel your pain, for it is my pain as well. Race, an element of ourselves that we can never alter (nor we should we want to — I, for one, am immensely proud of my Chinese heritage), should never play a role in denying admission to a student who would otherwise be admitted.
3. I strongly support increasing the allocation of visas for those involved in STEM-related fields — indeed, I cannot be more emphatic about this. Highly-skilled workers who can materially contribute to society propel our economy forward. Our immigration system should give greater weight to skilled and educated workers who can drive innovation and economic growth.


我们希望通过这次问政,向大家宣传根据去年加州反SCA5运动中所总结出来的助选立场,即按理念和对我华裔长远核心利益有利的立场来决定是否支持候选人,在满足这个条件的前提下,候选人的华裔身份可以加分。我们不应只按候选人的肤色或last name来投票。
