
anonymous-114  03/09   4280  

编者注:前阵阿丹兄发出号召,希望大家到SJECCD董事会支持他向社区表达诉求,不料捷报很快便传出,阿丹兄的争取成功了!虽然大伙无缘再去表达支持,但相信我们一定都很高兴,感谢阿丹兄的贡献!更相信阿丹兄的努力会给我们指引另一条争取华人权益的道路。btw:阿丹兄文中居然称编者为记者,伪记者顺便致谢 *_^



1. 与高中或是市大学校长写信要有一定的力度才能很快引起注意,语言不能过激但是还要把握一定的力度就成为一种艺术平衡。自己感觉也是不好做到,说轻了人家不理你,回复很慢甚至不回复,说重了太无理了人家反感,可能适得其反。

2. 需要有外部压力的同时作用。我们已经准备组织超过100人的家长去大学校区理事会去请愿,而且一个星期前我的信件就已经通知大学校长,请他们一起去听我们的请愿,这种压力对于校长来说是很大的。副校长和系主任如果不能在一个星期之内把这个问题解决掉,那校长在理事会议上不是很没面子?校长是临时校长亚历山大呀。

3. 建议在反对SCA5的运动过程中即要有强大的外部压力,同时还要有能够垫起杠杆的石头做支撑,才能有撬动杠杆的事半功倍。我给校长的信就是那块做杠杆支撑的石头,我的邮件看似无理,却是legitimate concern,是能够架起杠杆的重要石头。如果用石头打人那就是野蛮,但是如果作为杠杆的垫石,那就是极其重要的支撑手段了,关键是要用的好用的窍。

4. 要做充分的homework,才能够知道问题的症结在哪里,在什么地方用杠杆使力才能够有撬动的作用,如果看都看不明白就瞎使力撬动,杠杆就会折断。所以一定要对问题做过充分认真的研究之后(devil is in detail),我们有限的外部压力才能够在杠杆的作用下发挥出奇的效果。



On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Graham, Duncan W. wrote:

Good afternoon Mr. Min,

As I am new to San Jose City College January of 2014 is the first time I have known that there is a request to offer a class in Chinese at Leland High School, and normally these requests come from the high school to enhance their offerings. We are certainly open to receiving respectful requests from our students or perspective students on what classes they are interested in taking.

We have been in contact with Dr. Mukherjee, since January to solidify what courses Leland High School would like San Jose City College to offer at the high school. There are several factors that are part of enrollment management procedures when developing a schedule. Along with the college’s capacity to deliver additional classes there are state regulatory policies that need to be considered when offering classes on a high school campus.

Dr. Kimura and I have discussed Dr. Mukherjee’s request to add Chinese languages at Leland within our enrollment management procedures and we can offer one section of Chinese 1A in Fall 2014, and if enrollment is strong in that class, offer one section of Chinese 1B in Spring 2015 semester, depending on the availability of a qualified instructor to teach the classes, and sufficient enrollment. These classes will be scheduled after the regular school day at Leland and open to all students.

When deciding whether to continue to offer any classes in our schedule we analyze the success of the students, enrollment data/trends and persistence. Any decision to continue to offer additional sections of a Chinese language class at Leland will be based on the same criteria we use for all classes.

I am more than happy to answer additional questions you have.


Duncan W. Graham
Vice President, Academic Affairs
San Jose City College
2100 Moorpark Ave.
San Jose, CA 95128
Office: 408-288-3143