【南加】65区众议院民主党议员Sharon Quirk-Silva反对当前版本SCA-5

微动博-WeiDB.com  03/06   5270  

3月5日中午,tendency网友传出了南加议员Sharon Quirk-Silva不支持SCA-5的信息。据其介绍,“Sharon是民主党,代表65众议会选区。范围包括Buena Park, Cypress, Fullerton, Hawaiian Gardens, La Palma, Stanton, and West Anaheim”。 据了解,该选区亚裔人口占25.27%。

随后,华盟的朋友致电该议员办公室,确认了该信息准确有效。但将来如果该议案被修改,Quirk-Silva议员是否会改变态度,目前无法得知。脸书上硅谷华人协会的网友们则表示,理应向Quirk-Silva 议员表达谢意和支持,毕竟她必须面临来自民主党的强大压力。



Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva's Statement Regarding SCA 5

SACRAMENTO - Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva has released the following statement on Senate Constitutional Amendment 5 (Senator Hernandez) that would repeal portions of Prop 209:

"As a classroom teacher for over twenty-five years, I have always fought for equity in education. Throughout the years, I have encouraged all of my students to pursue their dreams of going to college.

Since I was mayor of Fullerton, I have worked with various community stakeholders to address the retention and graduation rates in Orange County. This working group, now in its sixth year, is made up of a diverse cross- section of educators, community leaders, policymakers and legislators. The program continues to focus on the best practices of student success and access to higher education.

Diversity on college campuses is essential. However, we must do everything we can do to make sure we have high standards and a fair process. SCA 5 raises important questions that need to be addressed, but I cannot support SCA 5 at this time.

As I have done for many years, I will continue working with community stakeholders on long-term solutions to address the access and equity of other issues that prevent students from attending our colleges and universities. I will continue to support legislation that opens doors to access for all qualified students.”