
anonymous-114  03/05   5244  

下面是我星期一花了大半天的时间写给圣荷西市大学校长的信,英语不够好但是基本上表达了我的意思。这是我有目的的投掷了一颗重磅炸弹,以撬动SJCC被判了死刑的中文课,不上重手不会有任何的效果,SJCC这回必须认真面对我们的诉求。请每家家长至少去一人参加:SJECCD Governing Board Meeting on Tuesday, March 11th at 6pm

Milpitas Unified School District
Building 500, 1331 East Calaveras Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035
Telephone: (408) 274-6700

我们有一个星期的准备时间,每人准备一个2分钟的Oral Petition,请每人把自己要说的先写下来念熟,2分钟很快就过去,如果不常上台讲话的,讲一个point但是讲明白就好了,说的人多了互相就可以补充和充实。我们要把会议室坐满,甚至站满就最好了。Remember: 80% of politics is showing up. 参加会议就是对支持Leland中文课的最好方法了。请大家一定要参加,支持阿丹。我们今天栽树,将来会有无数的Almaden家庭可以乘凉,这不是只为着我们自己眼前8年级学生的中文外语课,这是我们Almaden华人长期的利益。

另外,请大家能够背诵 The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." 我们一定要大声的背诵出来,一定要有震撼的效果,表明我们是美国人。



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adam Min
Date: Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 12:35 PM
Subject: Strong petition to provide elementary and intermediate Chinese classes 1A/1B & 2A/2B at Leland High School

Dear Dr. Breland, Mr. Graham, Dr. Burns, and Dr. Kimura:
I am writing to you to express my deep concerns whether SJCC administration have seriously considered our Almaden Valley residents' request for SJCC providing two levels of Chinese classes at Leland High School. The rumor said that SJCC would not provide Chinese class to Leland students for the school year 2014~2015 (see below message) while Leland principal Mrs. Mukherjee continuously told us to wait for the answer from you.

Almaden Valley residents have been asking Leland to provide Chinese classes for more than ten years and our last attempt was denied in the spring of 2012. We cannot afford to wait any longer to hear your denial at the end of period of adding curriculum. In order to make our voice heard, we are planning to make our oral petition at the San Jose Evergreeen Community College District Governing Board Meeting on March 11th at 6:00pm. The number of parents from our Leland Chinese Class Support group will definitely be much larger than our last appearance at San Jose Unified School District Board of Education meeting since we have more than one week to prepare our oral petition. Meanwhile, I would like to ask you a challenge question before the meeting so that you would have enough time to prepare your answers at the Governing Meeting if you like.

What was the true reasons that denied our Chinese class request in 2012 and most likely would be denied again this year? Did Dr. Kimura as Japanese descendant playing a role to promote Japanese language and culture? My older daughter took Japanese language class at Leland many years ago and she told me that there were full of Chinese students in her Japanese class. As I know, most of Chinese parents and students prefer Chinese language over Japanese because we don't want to lose our Chinese language and culture. Leland is going to make a survey on preferred foreign language including Chinese soon. We should wait to see the survey result until my speculation would be approved true. But in our current 27 committed students who would take Chinese class if provided in the year 2014~2015, there are 22 8th graders from Bret Harte Middle school. This is a full size Chinese class already. Obviously, it would greatly reduce the number of potential Japanese class taker if Chinese class would be provided. It could even lead to shot down the elementary Japanese 1A class if the freshman enrollment for the Japanese class is limited this Fall 2014. That is why I am asking you this challenging question whether Dr. Kimura, dean of Language Art, played a role here.

It is easy to deny our speculation from many Chinese parents. But we want to see the proof of a fair process that foreign language class will be provided including Chinese and demand for scrutiny on the current process of considering Chinese class at Leland. Obviously there is a conflict of interests for Dr. Kimura in the matter of Japanese class vs. Chinese class at Leland.

This is just one of many questions that we have. We will present all of our petitions and questions at the Governing Meeting on March 11th. Hope you all would be there to hear our voices that have been ignored for so long.

Sincerely Yours.

Adam Min
Initiator and Coordinator of Leland Chinese Class Support Group.