Let’s Say NO to SCA-5 to Paul Fong Directly...

觀察員-166  03/05   7212  

Let’s Say NO to SCA-5 to Paul Fong Directly

为了进一步给第28选区亚裔州众议员Paul Fong施压,现定于本周五(Mar. 7th)下午11:30-1:30pm and 1:30-3:30 分成两组去 Paul 的办公室门前请愿。地点:Pau Fong’s office: 2105 South Bascom Avenue, Suite 160,Campbell, CA 95008 Tel: (408) 371-2802 Fax: (408) 371-280。
我的联系方式是:Maggie Tian 微信- maggietianchina Tel: 408.518.2757
Email- maggietianchina@hotmail.com

For bringing in more influence to Paul Fong, the 28th District Assemblymember directly, who is the key person that may stop SCA-5, we decided to form an Assembly to talk with him face to face by this Friday, Mar. 7th. The first group will be starting at 11:30am and ending at 1:30pm at the lunch time. The second will be starting at 1:30pm to 3:30pm. Location: Pau Fong’s office- 2105 South Bascom Avenue, Suite 160Campbell, CA 95008 Tel: (408) 371-2802 Fax: (408) 371-2809.
Please choose a time that better fits you to join us! Please help us to spread the info.
Your involvement is highly appreciated.
Contact: Maggie Tian Wechat: maggietianchina Tel: 408.518.2757
Email- maggietianchina@hotmail.com