East Pleasanton back on City Council Agenda Tonight - Tuesday, June 2, 7:00pm City Council Chambers
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ALERT: After voting at their last meeting to let the voters weigh in on the future of the EPSP planning process, the City Council is slated to vote on ballot language at tomorrow night's meeting. Staff is presenting four different ballot language alternatives for the Council to consider for use, and the Council may consider reversing their decision and taking it OFF the ballot. This may be far from a straightforward meeting for the following reasons:
- Staff has determined that placing
this on the November ballot could cost the city between nearly $500,000
to over $600,000. Delaying the ballot to March or June, 2016 would
significantly reduce the costs and potentially allow for the drafting
of a more clear, balanced and complete wording of the issues to be
voted on.
- The way it is scheduled, the Council is planning to vote
on ballot language for the November ballot without knowing what the
EPSP Task Force is going to recommend in the way of number of houses to
be built. It makes no sense to us to vote on ballot language without knowing what the Task Force's recommended number of homes will be.
While we support voters making decisions about the future of East Pleasanton, we are concerned that rushing decisions tonight could lead to the Council backtracking on the decision to take it to the voters, or rush it though in a way that puts an expensive and less than clear measure on the November ballot.
Please take the time to write to the Council today letting them know that you would prefer doing this right:
- Halt the East Pleasanton Specific Plan EIR process for now per their vote at the last meeting
- Ask the EPSP Task Force to finalize their recommended plan and present it to the City Council
- Schedule the ballot measure for March or June of 2016 to drastically reduce the cost of the vote, and let the people make the decision on whether or not East Pleasanton is re-zoned for massive development
The meeting place tonight is 200 Old Bernal Avenue, pleasanton, besides the pleasanton library