From Barry: News updates related to Lehigh Southwest Cement Plant

Karen-695  05/02   10035  

Lehigh Southwest Cement Plant is getting ready to apply for the second open pit mine to Santa Clara County.  The current Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors are most likely will approve it when Lehigh submits its application.   If Lehigh gets the permit to operate on the second open pit mine, there will be at least another hundred years pollution to the entire San Francisco Bay Area.  We have to stop this.  The reason that Lehigh did not apply for the second open pit mine is because the two lawsuits BACE (Bay Area for Clean Environment) filed.  I am the founder and the chair of the BACE board.  EPA's fine and settlement announced on April 29, 2015 is a small victory for us.  However, the bigger and tougher fight is ahead of us. 

We will have BACE board meeting tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM at Richard Adler's house on 10778 Juniper Ct., Cupertino, CA 95014.  The meeting generally last for about an hour.  If you can come, please come.  I would ask you to please help on BACE's web site:  It has not been keep up with the current event.  The board member who is in charge of the website is very busy  now and does not have much time to keep the website current.  If you think that we are better off to set up a new website and facebook for BACE, please look into that.




If you have any good idea or suggestion, please let me know.  Thank you very much for all your help.