东湾选举研究组向SD 7区选民推荐Susan Bonilla 为州参议员(中译稿)

HuaSD7  04/27   17644  

本着华美参政协会(CAPA)建立的传统,其后继成立的东湾选举研究组正式向您推荐选举Susan Bonilla为新一任的加州第七参议院选区的参议员。



对于今年加州第七参议院选区的补位选举(将于2015519日举行),我们全票通过,向您正式推荐请选Susan Bonilla为州参议员。


1)她是通过实践证明地有效率的州级立法者:Susan Bonilla曾任市议员,县主管和州众议员,在多级政府为我们的社区有效地服务。我们相信她将继续在州参议员的位子上为社区做出更有效的服务,也基于此理她得到了包括本地的民主党,共和党,商业团体和工会团体的广泛支持。而她的对手仅仅有任市议员的经历,虽然这位对手有很多新颖的好想法,但他还需要以实际公务任职资历证明其在县和州的级别上能够有效地将之付诸实施。

2)她提出具体有效的方案来解决BART和公交系统罢工的问题:Susan Bonilla提出了具体清晰的计划,与公交系统管理层和工会组织共同合作以避免罢工情形的发生。而她的对手提出的禁止BART罢工的口号听起来很响亮,但是缺少具体可行的实施计划。 公开透明,愿意接近亚裔和多族裔选民,并听取他们的诉求。

3)Susan Bonilla有多年同CAPA合作的历史,并培养了多名CAPA 的亚裔实习生。她一如既往地关心,尊重和支持我们越来越多元化的社区。根据我们的经历,她一贯愿意接近选民和聆听选民的诉求。

请您将选票投给Susan Bonilla,让她成为加州第七参议院选区的参议员。






SD 7区包括城市

Alameda County – 13.4% Dublin,Livermore,Pleasanton

Contra Costa County – 68.9% Antioch,Brentwood,Clayton,Concord,Danville,Lafayette,Moraga,Oakley,Orinda,Pittsburg,San Ramon,Walnut Creek

2015年SD7区州参议员职位由于前任当选联邦众议员而空缺,3月份初选决出由民主党候选人Susan Bonilla和Steve Glazer参与5月19日的终选。


                                                             Following the tradition of CAPA, 

                                      the East Bay Election Study Group recommends that you vote for

                                                             Susan Bonilla
                                                             as our next
                                                             State Senator for District 7

We are a group of concerned voters in the San Francisco East Bay Area.  In the tradition of CAPA(Chinese American Political Association), this group is independent and nonpartisan. We have study the issues carefully and we are making this recommendation as a voting guide for you.

Our recommendations are based on candidate interviews (whenever feasible), qualification analyses, and research conducted by the group.  We make our recommendations in the interests of voters along the 24-680-580 corridor.  A 2/3-majority vote of the group is required for each endorsement.  For this special election (May 19, 2015), our recommendation vote was unanimous.

We recommend that you vote for Susan Bonilla because of her:

1.   Proven effectiveness as a state legislator
Susan has served our community effectively as city councilmember, county supervisor, and state assemblymember.  She will continue to be effective as our Senator as her candidacy is supported by the great majority of our local Democrats and Republicans along with both business and labor leaders.
Her opponent has only served as a city councilmember.  He claims he has good new ideas, but he must first prove his effectiveness at the county and state levels.

Susan presented her clear plan to work with both public transit management and labor unions to ward off future strikes.
Her opponent’s “Ban BART Strike” is a nice-sounding slogan, but he has yet to present any practical solution.

3.   Openness and access to a diverse group of voters
Susan has worked with CAPA and CAPA Interns for years.  She constantly exhibits her appreciation and sensitivity to America’s increased diversity.  She has proven to be approachable and very much willing to listen to our concerns.

Please vote for Susan Bonilla in the special election for Senate District 7.  Thank you.


East Bay Election Study Group