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They Went Back And Told The Rest, But They Did Not Believe Them (Mark 16:13)

From 《Forward Day by Day》by Forward Movement - Saturday, April 11 - Saturday in Easter Week

You've probably heard before that these verses from the Gospel of Mark are disputed. That is, most Bible scholars agree that they were not part of the original gospel. Verses 9 through 20 are believed to have been added by later editors. 

If this is true, the gospel ends at verse 8. Mary, Mary, and Salome went to the tomb where they were met by a messenger who tells them that Christ had been raised. They were amazed and terrified, and they told no one, "for they were afraid."

The editors didn't want to keep us hanging, wondering what happened next. And they didn't want the story to end with the women's fear. So they added verses 9 through 20.

How do we react to the news of the Resurrection, or to signs of new life in our world today? Are they too good to be true? Do we find ourselves holding back, afraid to move forward and to risk new possibility and new life?

Mark invites us to pause in wide-eyed wonder with those women, to face our own fears and reservations about what new life could mean. Perhaps it is only then that we can recognize and embrace the risen Christ.


果真如此,福音在第八诗句结束-- 玛丽、玛丽和莎乐美前往墓地,在那里她们遇到一个信使,信使告诉她们基督已经被复活。她们大吃一惊,被吓坏了,没有告诉任何人,“因为她们害怕。”



马克邀请我们和那些女人一起,惊奇的瞪大眼睛, 暂停, 面对我们自己的、对新生事物意味着什么的畏惧和保留。也许在那个时候,我们才能够认识并拥抱被复活的基督。