
user3097-3097  03/24   7929  

1。deferred compensation plan

所谓的deferred compensation plan, 是给高薪员工提供的计划。这笔钱当年不用交税,类似于401k, 与401k不同的是401k必须等到59岁半才可以拿出来,而有些deferred comp 离职时就可以拿出来,当然是要交税。Hopefully 那时税率低于现在.缺点是你只能在公司提供的funds里选,与401k一样,自由度小。

我们公司也有此program 我们没用。主要考虑税有越交越多的趋势,如果换工作要三年内取出来加上新工作的工资和sign on bonus 税就太多了。但如果准备在这家公司退休就有好处了。好像可以分10年拿出,就当自己给自己发pension 了。

2。stock investment

上面那张是stock,bond和一个50/50 portfolio的1 year,5 year,10 year,20 year return。
以1-year stock(最长的那个绿色bar)为例,图示histotically stock一年return range from -37%~51%。
不过股市还是会让人心肝乱颤,如第二个图所示。深绿色 bar为当年return,而对应的红点点则表示当年最大的correction幅度。看了这些红点点大家就会对一年中可能的correction 幅度心里有数了。上面这个第一张标题没照下来,是historical return of different asset classes,第二张是different sectors,仅供参考。

我的第一张图是从1960年开始的10yr treasury bond yield, S&p 500 Earnings Yield E/P, and CPI. 第二图是the spread between E/P over US 10 year. Just wondering what you see when you see the charts. Nothing can be discussed in vacuum. Everything is relative. We buy things because they are better than other options. I buy stocks NOW because they seem to be better 。

讨论1: 常常会听到有人说,股票会所有钱都输光,到零, 比如.com, 比如Lehman。所以,其他的投资,尽管也会输钱,都比股票稳妥。在这两个群,就听到过不止一次,还是不同的人。大家怎么看?

个人感觉,投资时机非常重要。经济好的时候,就会多新贵。股票收益也好。关键是什么时候能撤。对于没时间紧密跟踪的low information people, 有条件的,找理财专家。没条件的,QQQ 或者S&P index。

个人愚见,你说的可能是一个fact。其实股票投资成功与否不仅仅是理论,心里素质(这个大部分是天性使然)也是极其重要的因素,所以不是所有人都适合股票投资。我知道一些成功的朋友归结起来有三大特点: 理论过得去(谈不上专家),内心强大/淡定,都有一套自己的“小理论”。



讨论2: 很好奇是不是有什么规律左右股市?我看中国人写的股票市场评论,从来都是什么多空交战,在多少点上杀个回马枪之类,和外界公司管理,政治经济政策,各种突发事件,几乎完全没有关系似的。这里有个老兄也是每天发个指数分析,光看几个曲线判断第二天的趋势?人的心理和行为可以用数学模型预测吗?

我的感觉你提到的这些因素,除了能影响fundanental的那些,(包括宏观经济,行业和个股的fundemantal),其他的都是市场的noise,影响短期价格的上上下下,但不会左右长期的走势,真正的driving force还是fundamental。

市场有时是非理性的,股票上下波动原因很多,有很多别说avg investor,就是内部人士也不知道的原因。听说那些institutional investor 随便一个position 变动都能轻易超过avg volume,都能影响价格,而促使他们买卖的原因非常多,未必就说明市场的观点变了。所以借用一位师兄的话:做短线交易是徒劳的,浪费时间的,会折寿的。


If your friends, coworkers or neighbors of those who are always afraid of the market and hold on to their cash, until the market go higher and higher and higher and they can not hold on the money and start to buy stock. That mean no more money left on the side, the only way the market can go is down.When they sell the stocks, you know the market is going to go up.

讨论4: 自己管理还是找专业人士?

If you can put the money in sp 500 and never look at it again or act like a pro to think the money as other people's money, do it yourself. Otherwise hire professionals.


讨论5:你们有没有用IBD http://www.investors.com/default.htm来决定进出 的?有没有专家点评一下这个系统。

很久以前用过IBD, 他们介绍的公司有些还是值得进一步做研究分析,但是进出点报纸上面给的往往是马后炮。我喜欢jump in early, 所以有针对性的选择基本面可以的个股,在其调整至成交量急剧萎缩时进入。建议还是要在个股底部做base 时间足够长了并且交易量极其萎缩时进入,然后设trail stop。

sec filing(10Q, 10K, annual),公司网站,相关新闻。


讨论7:active vs passive

The first real attempt at something like an ETF was the launch of Index Participation Shares for the S&P 500 in 1989. Unfortunately, while there was quite a bit of investor interest, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange sued to stop them and the advent of true ETFs had to wait a bit.

It wasn't a long wait, however; the first ETF began trading in January of 1993. The S&P 500 Depository Receipt (called the SPDR or "spider" for short) was the first of its kind and is still one of the most actively-traded ETFs today. Although the first ETF launched in 1993, it took 15 more years to see the first actively-managed ETF to reach the market. 

The etfs for major indices, spy, Qs, were the only ones available for almost a decade, before etfs started to flourish after tech bubble.

There is a relative new third choice between active and passive - smart beta.

讨论8:Any one would like to discuss what would be next opportunities which very few people are paying attention attention now?

Uranium is among cheapest ETFs right now . But since nuclear is one of the cleanest energy sources and the concern about global warming, pollution, earthquake caused by fracking, nuclear has a very good chance to comeback.
This is the the site has some numbers http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/Economic-Aspects/Economics-of-Nuclear-Power/

我有一个投资方向。已经开始了。如果全面展开的话,market cap再涨个100倍问题不大。一年多前,我的一个同事告诉我的这个东西。但真没往心里去。几个月前,他告诉我已经涨了2倍了。我还是很不喜欢搞这种东西。你想试试吗?一个全新的市场。这就是大麻产业,以及和大麻产业相关的股票。

投资大麻只能投资医用开发。根本不存在social responsibility 问题。除非有人想自己种,没有人能投资recreational 大麻。

