
加肥猫-2233  02/18   9125  

我们对于纽约警局华裔警官梁彼得(Peter Liang)因枪支意外走火而被纽约布鲁克林检察官指控误杀表示震惊。

首先我们对于Mr. Gurley的不幸表示遗憾, 对死者家属表示深切的同情和慰问。

梁警官放弃了安逸稳定的联邦政府部门的工作, 怀着一颗为社区服务的赤诚之心加入了纽约警局。梁警官和前些时候在执勤时遇害的刘文建警官,Rafael Ramos警官同为少数族裔,为保护民众安全,兢兢业业工作,尽职尽责。他们都为社区的安全做出了自己的贡献,应该得到我们的尊敬和支持。
综合各方面的信息,这完全是一个新手警察在极端危险复杂的情况下,高度紧张所造成的意外事件。两位经验不足的初级警官被派到一个犯罪率极高的危险地区执行公务,事发当时楼道没有任何照明设施,漆黑的环境是造成这个悲剧的主要原因。梁警官本身并没有蓄意射击Mr. Gurley.  事实上在当时的现场梁警官和他的搭档Mr. Landau都没有意识到梁警官的走火击中了任何人。
布鲁克林检察官以“豁免起诉”换取事发当时的另一位警官Mr. Landau的合作,把所有责任推到执行共同任务, 勇敢地走在前面去检查危险的同伴梁警官身上是非常不公正的。把一件执行公务时发生的不幸意外事件刻意上升成刑事案,这是对美国司法公正的损害!
我们注意到最近发生的几起不幸的警民事件造成了警察和普通民众的紧张对立。 我们坚决反对以对梁警官的不实指控来缓解这种对立的做法。正确舒缓警民关系应该是加强对警员的培训,提高警局的工作透明度,政府对当地的关系民生的基础设施进行投资改造以建立更安全的社区。
梁警官完全不是蓄意射击, 他和Mr. Gurley一样,都是政府楼房管理不善的受害者。现在是我们修复警民关系的时候,而不是指控梁警官来继续分裂社区。我们敦促布鲁克林检察官撤销对梁警官不公正的刑事指控,让美国的司法公正得到充分体现。让我们共同为良好的警民关系和安全的社区而努力。

联合署名 (排名不分先后)


We were shocked to learn that NYPD Officer Liang was indicted with manslaughter by Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson for an accidental fire.

Firstly, we want to express our deep sympathy and condolences for the family of Mr. Gurley.

Officer Liang gave up his comfortable and stable federal government job to join NYPD for serving the community.  Like Officer Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos both killed on duty, Officer Liang was a minority and worked very hard to protect the public safety.  They made tremendous contribution for the security of NYC community.  They all deserve our respect and support.

Based on all the information and fact, apparently it is a totally unexpected tragic accident in a high tension situation and at an extremely dangerous area.  Two inexperienced junior officers were assigned to a high-crime housing project.  There was no any corridor lighting inside of the darkened stairwell of a Brooklyn housing project.  All of these are the main cause of this tragedy.  Officer Liang himself never intentionally shot Mr. Gurley.  Actually, on site both Officer Liang and his partner Officer Landau did not realize that Officer Liang’s shot hit anyone.

Brooklyn District Attorney Mr. Thompson exchanged Officer Landau to testify by granting him “immunity from testimony”.  It is unfair to put all blames to Officer Liang, who bravely stepped ahead to check the dangers. To deliberately change an unfortunate accident to a criminal case just damaged the US justice.

We noticed that recently several tragedies caused the opposition between the police and the general public. We firmly opposed to alleviate this opposition by unfairly charging Officer Liang.  To smooth the relations, police department should enhance the training of the police officers and make police work more transparent.  Government should invest more to improve the infrastructure of the community.

We firmly believe that Officer Liang never intended to shoot Mr. Gurley.  It is just a tragic accident.  Both Officer Liang and Mr. Gurley were the victims of poor management of the government building. 

Now it is the time to repair the relationship between the public and police, rather than to continue to divide communities by charging Officer Liang.  We urge the Brooklyn District Attorney Mr. Thompson to withdraw the criminal charges against Officer Liang.  Let us work together for a better community.

Signed by

Chinese Rifle Association (CRA)