【情人节英文诗欣赏】—作者:陈美,罗曼 by 彼岸诗缘

彼岸诗歌-2357  02/15   11079  


Love - A Valentine's Tale
By Romaine

What do I know of love
In a world grown weary
With tyranny?
And yet I know
I love you
Three words
With the capacity
To move mountains
Did not move you
That night
Or rather
They caused you to move
From my bed
Into that of another
To the mirth of irony's mistress

That Valentine's night
On silent wings
Three more words entered
The lexicon of the dead
Funereal lilies
You brought me
As a tribute to love
Mark their frozen grave
Where each day I wait
For their resurrection
Because love conquers all
And death is an illusion
Or so I am told
But no longer believe

Commit no nuisance
No through road
Do not park
Gangs of three 
I can believe in
Emblazen the wall
Beneath my window
Enshrined with the power
To stalk my nights
To move me to tears
To rage against the loss
Of my freedom to act
In a state gone mad
And in the darkness
Of my demi-life
As I cross the river
I see your face
The face I love
And I beg 
That three words 
Be the last to leave my lips

At This Moment
By Mei Chen

At this moment
You are condescending
Like a lion
Leading one hundred billions poison buds to madly invade me 
In the sea of ​​saliva
I dreamily drift off  and flow up and down

Your frivolous fingers 
Slide over my rolling-hill curves
Immediately after you drive straight through 
The wet, muggy and hot sensations
Like kneading slippery clay
Endlessly expand upward and outward
I tremble in satiation

My mighty God
My damn baby
I love you
You open me the lush paradise entrance
Horny burning
Exuding dissolutely wild
I am willing to be completely conquered

By Mei Chen

You painted the entire sky for me
It has not dried up yet, dripping bright blue You drove away the rain clouds 
Until your golden light rays gently spilled over me
Warmly bathing in your arms
I felt a little tired but happy

You quietly surrounded me with a cozy morning 
With the green-vine short stone wall  
The chirping little birds 
The widespread greenness from grass
And the dazzling of red flowers
Separated me from the complicated and noisy outside world 

By Mei Chen

You are a mighty ocean
Through your brown pupils
I see the surging waves
An endless love of bustling 

I want to hold your hands
To conjure an inhabited island for us

Pretty soon, green trees grow in lines
Flowers are blossoming in profusion
The fishing boats are dotting the coastline 
This will be our new nation
Our forever paradise on earth

I Love You
By Mei Chen

Honey, my love for you is greater than the world
I will love you until North American hits China
The Colorado River jumps on the Rocky Mountains 
Fish jump out of a mountain stream and sing for us

Dear, loving you continues controlling the imagination of time
I will love you until the roaring Yellow River is blocked by fence
The tossing Yangtze River is flowing in the Milky Way
The barren desert becomes a rippling lake

Darling, I love you
I want to tear tonight’s twilight into flowers
Hang the twinkling stars in the sky upside down 
Then I will wrap you tightly in my arms
To ignite a fire in the wildness of your hunger
Making the night fall in our lust of a raging sea          

By Mei Chen

I have thought the coldness has frozen the greeting
However, the New Year’s bells crack the ice
The happiness atmosphere is like a boat tracker 
Pulling me toward you

Our past is a classic legend
However, it has left behind and can’t be recovered as new greens 
Along the way there is no more colorful surprises
I slowly raise my hand into the air
Waiving toward you with the long lost gesture
Greeting you “Happy New Year”
However, I no longer have the courage to continue
Letting your callings pass by me along with the gale

I really want to let you know that missing you is still fermenting
Although the wounds by nailing have not been recovered
However, with only one greeting 
The coldness quickly froze up the hesitant words

Photos: online