刘洪彬: 《诗人、诗歌和诗学》

当诗人遇见爱神-1452  12/12   16813  



写诗诗人精神流亡的开始。在诗中流亡的精神终于将诗人的肉身引入流亡的境地。诗人要么被流亡和其同谋 --- 死亡所吞噬要么变得更坚强。诗人的幸运往往依赖于他是否能欣然地接受流亡的命运。即孔子所说的知天命。于是诗人能将孤独变成自己独享的奢侈品诗人可使贫穷成为自己做为观察家所处的边缘的位置和非特权地域的界石他的贫穷使他意识到自己富有当然诗人的贫穷同时会让他在现实中感到尴尬在一个文明的生存环境中诗人完全可以通过自己的精神劳动摆脱贫穷。孤独、贫穷、疾病和物质的时间加速度地将诗人带到死亡的边缘诗人喉咙里蠕动的词语只是感谢和赞美。



诗人在专制国家里凭写诗可以被捧为民族英雄,这不是诗人本来的角色。布罗茨基   (JOSEPH BRODSKY)在论及诗人时说“诗人是自己的神话中的英雄(或主角)”。






Writing poetry is the beginning of internal exile. The spiritual exile of poetry writing eventually leads to physical exile. The poet is either devoured by exile – or its accomplice, death – or else becomes stronger.The poet’s good fortune depends on whether he can accept the fate of exile without resentment. This is what Confucius meant by "know your destiny." A poet can turn solitude into a personal luxury, or poverty into a boundary stone from which to observe the world of ordinary people. His poverty makes him aware of his plenty at the same time as it embarrasses him in reality; in a more civilized living environment, the poet can escape poverty through his creative labor. As loneliness, poverty, illness and the passage of time accelerate the poet’s advancement to the brink of death, the last words to gurgle in his throat are gratitude and praise. Writing Chinese poetry in a different time zone, making a foreign country a homeland; when the poet in a foreign land creates a China in the kingdom of his mind, he becomes its legislator and king.The poet himself is a China. In this world the poet can decisively preserve his personality, and make individualism the basis on which he resists the corruption of his soul. China follows the poet into exile. My own cycle of exile reaches an end. 

The poet is the servant of language, and even more the slave of the art of poetry. He hopes for nothing but to give his all to poetry.The political task of a poet is to defend the sacredness of his language. Since the beginning of the 1900s, a number of disasters have befallen the Chinese language under the name of "revolution." With the Chinese language abused and misused for too long, the poet should be a clinician for this mother tongue.The mission of the contemporary Chinese poet is to build a historical bridge between the glory of Chinese classical poetry and the ruins of modern Chinese language. This is the hope of Chinese poetry in its despair. In autocratic countries, a poet can be praised as a national hero. I disdain this role. As Joseph Brodsky says, "A poet is a hero in his own myth." 

We are all molded by words, and are written on the world by words..A word can be a world. A poet is both the subject who creates words and the object created by words. In a spirit of humility and humanity,we write and serve the language. It is every poet’s mission to convert this world to poetry; until then, poetic justice can be done. I have said before, what I use to resist tyranny and evil is not a weapon, but beauty.

September 1997

Translated by Liu Hongbin with the assistance of Stacy Mosher and Perry Link







MAPH FIX University




如果洪彬流亡的语言能教导我们一件事情的话, 那就是相信自由能(将会)超越一个充满偏见的政体,即使是来自内心的。


If Hongbin’s language of exile can teach us one thing, it is that belief in freedom can (and will) transcend a regime of prejudice — even if it comes from within.

Liu Hongbin is one of the finest poets writing in any language today.

约翰.阿什伯瑞 (John Ashbery 1927--) 美国当代最优秀的诗人, 曾获过美国所有的文学大奖,包括普利策全国图书奖麦克阿瑟奖。
