
anonymous-114  02/18   8040  





Whats up people. So this is a quick one. 

It is in regards to the verdict for the trial of the Asian police officer Liang, I don’t want to mispronounce his name, who shot the african-american man in ? 2014. So the jury found him guilty. On one hands I mean it's a good thing, right?


Police officer shoots someone finally they're going to jail for, right? But, this is what bothers me and you know, you guys can agree/disagree, whatever. What bothers me is I genuinely in my heart of hearts feel it is a mistake. Do I think that you know, they have trained  him to situation definitely  that he is not supposed to shoot, absolutely. But when you take a young rookie cop  you put them in Brooklyn projects like you put my ass on some Brooklyn projects, and I has somebody coming on the god damn stairs. I got a gun I might shoot too.


I am not saying it is right, I am stating the facts.


Does it make it right? That is just it is. But you take someone like that and you can see that he is remorseful .  And they get charged and they’re going to jail. But you have  police officers who have shot and killed african-american males who were caucasian, who were not indicted, who were not arrested, who did not lose their jobs, who were  not  in jail. You have the police officer in Staten Island who choke Eric Garner and they are still walking around and they have their job. However with that case, the black african-american sergeant , she is being brought upon charge, because she did not stop it.So the person who actually did it is free, but the surgeon who they claim should stopped it is being brought upon charges. 

这是否让这件事正确是个问题,但事情就是这样。但我们说的这个人,你可以看到,他事后是懊悔的。他被指控,他会去坐牢。但是,有开枪打死非洲裔男子的白人警察,他们没有被起诉,没有被逮捕,没有失去他们的工作,没有进监狱。 在Staten岛的扼黑人Eirc Garner 颈子的警察,他们还能自由走动,他们还有自己的工作。然而,就是这件事,非洲裔警察军士因为他们声称她没有阻止而被指控。那么,直接造成恶果的人没事,而他们声称应该制止这件事的军士被指控。

So I am so confused. So I don't know like I said, on one hand the situation is good I guess finally a police officer is being held accountable but I feel that he deserves jail I don’t know I honestly don’t know.


But why him over all the other police officers who have done this with intent is my question because the others have done it with intent they'd killed with intent and they are free. This man made a mistake and he goes to jail. Is this a coincidence that he is a minority ,he is asian?


 I don't know makes you think. Good night.





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