
【硅谷食堂】服务生-3105  04/02   14667  

我们不是一盘散沙!举贤不避亲,这可是中华美德。他人已经乱推了,我等如何忍受卧榻之侧酣睡? 互助互惠,帮我华人高等人才立足; 同心协力,成我硅谷精英族群大业. 加入本群请尽量用中文. 龙的传人, 给力!加油!!Group Posting Rule: this group is strictly for Chinese job referral purpose only. Please do not post any unrelated information. We are trying to keep this group up to the goal what we originally plan for.

(华人内推网 ChineseReferrals.org operated by 硅谷华人创新创业发展联盟 SVIDEA.org and 硅谷食堂 SVCafe.org)

Our group has exceeded 1000 members, this is a huge mile stone! Friends, we've also found Facebook and WeChat groups both very helpful in different ways - (Facebook) bigger group and searchable historic posts (WeChat) smaller group and faster info. We tried 1st WeChat group and it does serve that purpose, we will continue setup more WeChat groups - here's the rule (1) We will share all info to all groups (2) When joining WeChat group, please do NOT join more that ONE group - duplicated entry will be resulted in removal from ALL groups. Here's comes 2nd WeChat group: