8020 PAC-1317 10/31 15025
问: 防止SCA5最好的办法是不是去打破加州议会两院民主党的绝大多数?
2)不过,两党也知道党派压力比不上一个组织良好的选民组织能施加的压力,尤其是当这些选民群体是由一个经验丰富又资金雄厚的促进会(Political Action Committee)来领导时。这次“停止SCA5”的结果就证明了选民的力量与党派压力比,孰重孰轻。美籍华人赢得了这场战斗,但我们并没有没有完全了解到胜利的真正的原因,
4)SCA5的提出不是因为民主党党拥有绝大多数。相反,它是由于亚裔民选官员没有保障亚裔选民的权利。也是因为这个原因,80-20现在要问责方文忠(Paul Fong)。
Q: Because of the SCA 5, a lot of my friends got shocked at the reality and became more active in politics. Here is a problem with Democrat supermajority in CA: If an Asian elected official does not vote along the party line, s/he will be surrounded by party members who take turn try to "talk" and "convince" her/him to vote along the party, sometime these talks last late into night and it is a lot of pressure. It they vote along the party line, we'll un-elect him/her. If they stick to Asian interest, and vote against party recommendation, they will risk losing the party endorsement in the next election. In the end, all those who dare to speak out for Asian will lose, one way or the other. So, maybe it is better to adjust the balance of GOP and Dem and avoid supermajority by any party and make them have a chance to compete with each others.
A: You may recall that I was once the President of the Delaware Senate, so what you described in you email about how a party tries to exercise party discipline is NOT news to me. Indeed, the 80-20 strategy is designed to counter the situation that you’ve described.