Baker invites you to a wine reception Oct. 20
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Dear Friends,We are 21 days from Election Day, and absentee ballots have already arrived. Please join us at Handles Gastropub October 20 to rally friends and neighbors to get the vote out and support our campaign. Details below. Please share this invitation and help us spread the word to every voter in the community!And, of course, please VOTE and ask others to vote, too. You can help us get out the vote with the push of a button using your smartphone or mouse. Please post your support to your social media networks and send an email to your contacts just once this week and one more time on Nov. 1. Your own friends, neighbors, and colleagues are 7 times more likely to vote for me if you tell them about me.Thank you for your support and encouragement. Let's make these 21 days a success, together.
Warm regards,

For more information about Catharine Baker and her campaign for Assembly, please visit Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter using the links below for the latest information and updates on more events .
You can still join the team. Please contribute and volunteer now and help us in November!