2-minute Speech at San Jose City Hall’s Michael Brown Rally

Charles Liu  08/28   9527  

2-minute Speech at San Jose City Hall’s Michael Brown Rally:

Good afternoon, everyone one! My name is Charles Liu and I am the president of UBC, United for a Better Community. UBC is a non-partisan, non-profit grass roots organization that promotes equal rights and political participation from all Americans, especially Chinese Americans.

It saddens me that on this beautiful day, we have to talk about ugly business, the ugly business of violence, hatred, and racism, yet again! Barely a month ago, in this very place, Reverent Moore joined the Chinese community denouncing the hate speech from Fox News Bob Beckle. And today, we are coming here to support our African American brothers. We are paying you back!

We, the people of UBC, United for a Better Community, mourn the loss of any human life, in this case Michael Brown was lost in a particularly tragic way. It is very unfortunate, and we are hurting with you.

We are against all forms of racism, whether it is whites against blacks, blacks against whites, or others. We need to end racism and get along better. We will always stand with our African American brothers and fight against racial discrimination.

We are against violence, and the excessive use of police force.

And last, the African Americans should also show the same outage against blacks on blacks violence and killings, which happen all too often in our country.  As a Chinese American, it pains me to see so many African Americans are getting killed every day in inner cities across the country, due to gang violence and other crimes. Think of the dreams yet to be realized, songs yet to be sung. But they are now lost.
Once again, we are here with you to seek justice for all. Thank you very much! – Charles Liu