O编辑总结: 俄亥俄州哥伦布市富兰克林郡选票解释

Oskarlre-1300  10/25   3272  

大选在即,无论是提前选举还是预先缺席选举, 各路选票都已发出。 我这里已经收到了缺席选票,顺便和大家说说这次上面的候选人。

总统就不用多说了吧, 希拉里 (民) 对 川普 (共)

参议员今年竞争候选有五个人,主要是共和党的 Rob Portman 对 民主党的 Ted Strickland, 从小O个人观点来看这俩其实和总统大选类似。 前者在小O有限交道里基本对华人是爱理不理的状态,后者在自己Office时候曾经把俄亥俄上千万应急资金挪用到有事没钱的情况。。。 所以大家自己看着办。。。

其他候选人党派都表明了 (R)是共和党,(D)是民主党。

第6学区 (board of education)里小何联系了其中4位候选人陈述了看法。 具体回答在这里:


1. 州财政是否应该给困难的学区更多的资源(按平均每个学生收到的金额计算)?
2. 是否应该强调数理化(STEM)教育?如何平衡STEM和全面发展?
3。对联邦政府以前的common core制度看的看法?如何看待联邦政府的政策对地方学区的影响?
4. 对于用政府资金私人经营的学校(公立民办,charter school)有何看法?(最近关于 Ohio charter school出了事情,主要争论的地方是谁应该监管这类学校)
5 对于联邦政府要求给变性学生自由选择更衣室/卫生间有何看法?
6 对于快班(gifted / magnet program) 是否应该考虑学生的背景来实施affirmative action(除了考虑成绩,要考虑学生的背景[种族,家庭收入,等])?
7. 对于公立学校的教师工会怎么看?是否支持看工龄来决定老师的职业前途(seniority rule)?

具体回复已经放到Google drive

现在来看Jeff furr 和Antoinette Miranda 比较有想法 作为外来派的 Jeff 的观点对好学区有好处 而作为建制派的Antoinette 对困难学区(Columbus cotu school )有利。Jamie 明显资历比不上另外2个 没有细致的政策.


法官比较麻烦些,因为法官一不怎么出名,二由于不是竞选行政,不能标注党派。 这里小O大概介绍一下:


Pat Fischer (共和党) V  John P. O’Donnell (民主党)两人简历如下:

Name: Pat Fischer
Age: 58
Residency: Pleasant Ridge, Cincinnati
Education: Bachelor’s and J.D., Harvard University
Current employment: Ohio First District Court of Appeals judge
Family: Married to Jane Fischer, one daughter
Other experience: Partner,Keating, Muething & Klekamp; president, Cincinnati Bar Association 2006-‘07 and Ohio Bar Association, 2012-‘13; Board of directors, Hamilton County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board, VISIONS community service
Political party: Republican

Name: John P. O’Donnell
Age: 51
Residency: Cleveland
Education: Bachelor’s in English, Miami University; J.D., Cleveland-Marshall School of Law
Current employment: Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas judge
Family: Married to Tessa O’Donnell, five children
Other experience: Attorney for the firms Meyers, Hentemann & Rea, Gallagher Sharp and Terrence J. Kenneally & Associates. Judge, Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas General Division 2002-2005 and 2007-2019. Board of directors, Cleveland Law Library Association, Cuyahoga County Law Library Resource Board, Lakewood City Academy and St. Malachi Center Political Party: Democrat

总结来说Fischer是典型的传统哈佛法学院路径的高端法律经验比较多,O'Donnell 则是基层出身,搞保险adjuster出道,对俄亥俄东北区经验丰富。

另一对是 Pat DeWine (共和党) V Cynthia Rice (民主党)

Name: Pat DeWine
Residency: Hyde Park
Education: Bachelor’s degree, Miami University, J.D., University of Michigan
Current employment: Ohio 1st District Court of Appeals judge
Family: Married with five children; father is Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine
Other experience: Law clerk, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit; attorney, Keating Muething & Klekamp; judge, Hamilton County Court of Common Pleas
Political Party: Republican

Name: Cynthia Westcott Rice
Residency: Brookfield, Ohio
Education: Bachelor’s degree, Purdue University, J.D., University of Akron
Current employment: Ohio 11th District Court of Appeals judge
Family: Married to Judge Ronald J. Rice of the Trumbull County Court of Common Pleas; two daughters
Other experience: Attorney  in private practice; assistant prosecutor, Trumbull County; assistant U.S. attorney, U.S. Attorney’s Office, Department of Justice, Youngstown, Ohio
Political Party: Democrat

总结来说就是DeWine的法官经验比较多,基本是一路法官下来的。 而Rice是律师加检察官经验多,Rice是比较典型的从私律做起,然后一路从郡级副检察官往上走,最后去了司法部的检察官,现在转型当法官这种。(她老公也是法官)


其他的 Court of Common Plea 是五对法官捉对厮杀。

Judge Michael J. Holbrook (R) V Democrat Crysta Pennington (D)
Judge Richard A. Frye (D) V Donald L. Kline (R)
Judge Kimberly Cocroft (D) V Lauren Dolan (R)
Judge Kim A. Browne (R) Democrat Jim Reese (D)
Jeffrey M. Brown (D) V Stephanie Hanna (R)

有兴趣的朋友可以去 vote 411上查询这些人的采访。 其中 Holbrook比较有名,因为他给俄亥俄女子监狱特判圣诞节可以见自己孩子,因此俄亥俄女子监狱的圣诞节又叫  Holbrook Christmas. 


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