CABS精彩讲座 - "中国医疗器械及生物材料产业近期变化与中美合作机遇" ----- 姜峰博士 (9/12周一晚6:30-9:30pm)
anonymous-100082 09/06 46374.0/1
9/12 周一晚6:30pm
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Date: September 12, 2016 @ 6:30 pm – @ 9:30 pm
Location: Hanqi Investment, 1633 Bayshore Hwy, Unit 280, Burlingame, CA 94010
6:30-7:00pm networking
7:00-8:00pm presentation by Dr. Jiang Feng
8:00-9:00pm Q&A
9:00-9:30pm networking
The speaker:
Dr. Jiang Feng received his M.D and PhD in Clinical Medicine in 1995, and got EMBA in 2006 ;Jiang is currently appointed the executive chairman and CEO of China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI), Chairman of China Strategic Alliance of Medical Device Innovation, Deputy Director of China National Biomedical Engineering Education Supervisory Committee. Dr. Jiang is also the standing director at many associations and guest professors at a number of universities. Jiang is also an expert consultant for the Ministry of Health, CFDA,Ministry of Science and Technology(MOST), Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and a number of national and local medical science parks.
After working in the hospital as a thoracic surgeon for 12 years, Jiang founded Shaanxi Huaxin Pharmaceutical Co. in 1997 which focused on drug research and distribution. Huaxin was later sold to a listed company after three years of rapid growth, its R&D product made huge profits in the following years. Because Huaxin's success, Jiang was invited to work for Sinopharm , the largest national medical devices and pharmaceutical group. The following 10 years saw him bringing considerable growth to the business. During his 7 years’ term as the general manager at China National Medical Equipment cooperation(CMIC), Jiang established the largest medical device distribution system in China, with annual revenue exceeding 1 billion RMB (2008). He successfully restructured CMIC, transforming the company from an exhibition-focused business to a large scale production and marketing enterprise. Jiang had served as the chairman of China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI) for 8 years, during which he participated in many policy-making processes that impacted the whole industry. While in CAMDI, Jiang visited over a thousand members and provided services for many of them, directly leading to CAMDI's rapid growth to more than 3000 members. In 2009, Jiang left CMIC to become the Chairman of China Strategic Alliance of Medical Device Innovation, an organization initiated and established by MOST. Today, the alliance has assisted MOST to finance and manage hundreds of medical devices innovation projects, the total budget of which amounts to over 2 billion RMB.
Most recently, Jiang has focused on financing and other services for innovative medical devices projects, Working with his team, Jiang has already helped many domestic and overseas startup projects successfully land in science parks by connecting them with capital and partners In China, Jiang has set up several one-stop service centers in some top science parks for innovative medical technologies; Jiang serves as independent director and expert consultant in many listed companies and VC. With 30 years of experience in the hospital and industry, Jiang is familiar with the strategic operation of pharmaceutical and medical device companies, and has established strong, mutually trusting relationships with many manufacturers, distributors, investment institutions, R&D institutions and government agencies.
Dr. Jiang hopes to continually serve more medical innovative cooperation and business between China and US.
姜峰,第四军医大学临床医学博士,清华大学EMBA, 曾作为胸科医生在医院工作12年,于1997年离职创立了陕西华信医药有限公司开展药物研发及分销,公司业绩增长迅速并于三年后成功转让给某上市公司;此后姜峰受聘于央企国药集团长期担任国家级大型医药和器械公司总经理,并使相关公司业绩迅速提升;在中国医疗器械公司任职期间创建了境内最大的器械分销系统 并完成了公司改制和从会展业务向产销企业的顺利转型;姜峰任协会会长及常务副会长已13年,期间参与制修订多项行业政策法规,走访过千余家会员企业并为其 提供各类服务,使协会不断发展壮大受到业内一致好评;2009年底姜峰辞去企业职务出任科技部国家医疗器械产业技术创新联盟理事长,至今联盟已协助科技部 对数百个医械创新项目进行资助及后续管理,涉及经费逾20亿元;近年来姜峰在资本与创新对接及科技成果转化领域倾注较多精力,率领团队促成多个境内外创新 项目与资本对接后落户科技园区,并在多个政府部门、科技园区、境内外上市公司及风投机构任专家顾问、独立董事及合伙人;姜峰还作为产业界唯一代表出任教育 部生物医学工程教指委副主任已10余年,在促进产学研合作方面成绩显著,多年的业内工作使姜峰熟悉医药及器械企业运作管理,与众多国内外生产企业、经销 商、科研机构、投资机构、协会、政府和科技园区建立了良好关系,姜峰愿为中美医学创新合作提供更多的专业服务。