06/24 San Ramon 反墓地建设会议,需要您的参与!
anonymous-114 06/19 8540

请大家6/24 7:00PM 来2220 camino ramon, san ramon, 参加由san ramon city council和contra costa board of supervisors的举办的public meeting. 如果你不是san ramon 居民,但只要你认为这个墓地会影响到你,你就可以来表示反对意见。
1. Sign our online petition at https://www.change.org/petitions/contra-costa-county-board-of-supervisors-deny-the-special-use-permit-for-the-creekside-memorial-park-cemetery
2. Send an email to Contra Costa County Supervisor for District III (which includes the Tassajara Valley and the proposed cemetery) Mary Nejedly Piepho: Dist3@BOS.CCCounty.us
3. Send an email to Contra Costa County Supervisor for District II (which includes San Ramon and Danville) Candace Andersen: supervisorandersen@bos.cccounty.us
http://www.stopthecemetery.org/ 上有详细介绍。