Stop the Tassajara Cemetery

牡丹燕菜-198  06/17   6906  
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If your answer is NO to ANY or ALL of the questions below PLEASE make it a PRIORITY to attend with your family and friends to express your objections/concerns to our City Mayor, Councilman and County Officials

June 24th 2014, (Tuesday) at 7 PM
San Ramon City Hall, 2222 Camino Ramon, San Ramon CA

• Do you or your Children want to see Funeral Processions daily in San Ramon Streets?
(The proposed huge cemetery in Tassajara Valley is planning for 140,000 burials seven days a week. Besides the routes I580 àCamino Tassaja, and I680 àSycamore àCamino Tassajara, Other probable funeral procession/motorcade routes are I580 à Dougherty Road àEast Branch Pkwy àWindemere PkwyàCamino Tassajara, and I680 àBollinger Canyon Roadà Windemere PkwyàCamino Tassajara ----all right thru’ our prime areas and schools)
• Do you want to have Traffic Congestions in our Streets and add more time to your commute daily?
( By law and as a mark of respect Funeral Processions/Motorcades have the right of way and all side street traffic will be stopped and right after the motorcade passes by - a flash flood situation like traffic will cause more congestions)
• Do you want the whole of Tassajara Valley (about 1500 acres plus) to become full of cemeteries in the future?
(Once the cemetery is allowed it will be a permanent, irreversible zoning change from Agricultural to Cemetery Use and the future development in the 1500 + acre Tassajara Valley will be more cemeteries as no other development will be conducive adjacent to a cemetery)
• Do you want all the Underground Water Resources to be depleted in Tassajara Valley and the nearby areas?
(The proposed Cemetery lawns and landscaping will be watered from bore wells depleting the existing underground water thereby causing environmental issues and adding to our existing drought and threating the very existence of habitats in the Open Spaces )
• Do you want the overall quality, charm of your city, streets, community, neighborhood and preservation of your home property values to be spoiled?

By Jay Yao

If your answer is NO to ANY or ALL of the questions below PLEASE make it a PRIORITY to attend with your family and friends to express your objections/concerns to our City Mayor, Councilman and County Officials

June 24th 2014, (Tuesday) at 7 PM
San Ramon City Hall, 2222 Camino Ramon, San Ramon CA

• Do you or your Children want to see Funeral Processions daily in San Ramon Streets?
(The proposed huge cemetery in Tassajara Valley is planning for 140,000 burials seven days a week. Besides the routes I580 àCamino Tassaja, and I680 àSycamore àCamino Tassajara, Other probable funeral procession/motorcade routes are I580 à Dougherty Road àEast Branch Pkwy àWindemere PkwyàCamino Tassajara, and I680 àBollinger Canyon Roadà Windemere PkwyàCamino Tassajara ----all right thru’ our prime areas and schools)
• Do you want to have Traffic Congestions in our Streets and add more time to your commute daily?
( By law and as a mark of respect Funeral Processions/Motorcades have the right of way and all side street traffic will be stopped and right after the motorcade passes by - a flash flood situation like traffic will cause more congestions)
• Do you want the whole of Tassajara Valley (about 1500 acres plus) to become full of cemeteries in the future?
(Once the cemetery is allowed it will be a permanent, irreversible zoning change from Agricultural to Cemetery Use and the future development in the 1500 + acre Tassajara Valley will be more cemeteries as no other development will be conducive adjacent to a cemetery)
• Do you want all the Underground Water Resources to be depleted in Tassajara Valley and the nearby areas?
(The proposed Cemetery lawns and landscaping will be watered from bore wells depleting the existing underground water thereby causing environmental issues and adding to our existing drought and threating the very existence of habitats in the Open Spaces )
• Do you want the overall quality, charm of your city, streets, community, neighborhood and preservation of your home property values to be spoiled?


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