双语诗歌【风】【冬阳里遐想】 外二首 作者: 点点蓝珊瑚
彼岸诗歌-2357 01/30 13560
Blue Coral's Poems
我是个没有长大的孩子赤脚在天上堆着沙子吹一朵白云泡泡再用阳光把它刺破任七色的时光漫天撒落星星倦了 我也累了我们挤在厚厚的夜空下睡了星星梦着月儿在浪尖上漫舞海底的向阳花唱着蓝色的歌儿
[Blue is the warmest color]
I'm a bare-footed childplaying in a sand castle above the skyTake a piece of cloudBlow a bubblePierce it with a dash of sunlightLet the rainbow burstLet the time floatFlowing through the fingersStars are tired, andSo am IWe snooze under the cozy blanketSky of the nightStars are dreamingMoon is dancing on top of the wavesSunflowers, at the bottomSingingBlue is the warmest color——12.11. '15 by Blue Coral
风绕过山野去采拮春天的消息大漠戈壁飞卷衰草和沙粒海港夜澜姗星火摇曳影依稀秋林点点黄叶飞零一曲别离雪尘空谷 噫嘻春天在哪里?在哪里?哪里?
WindIs bypassing the mountainsto collect spring newsTo the desert,wilted grass rolling, sand flyingTo the seaport night,flickering sparks, trembling shadowsTo the autumn woods,yellow leaves, playing a melancholy melodyTo the snow valley,snow dusts, wondering aloudWhere is spring?Where is it?Where?——1.28 '16 by Blue Coral
就让我在你的臂弯里睡去 任大雪纷飞了黎明让我在你途径的林间迷失 任荆棘刺痛脚踝让我好好看着你 再摸一摸你古铜色的面颊当你不得不转身 不要忘记带上吉他和青梅手帕当雪花再一次飘落 有你来自云层深处的弹唱和我的竹马
[In the Winter Sunshine]
Please let meSleep in your arms, no matterThe snow storm has swallowed the dawnLet me wonder in the woodsYou pass by, no matterThorns have torn into my footLet me, just look at youTouch you againYour copper-colored faceWhen you have to leave, don'tForget to take yourGuitar and the handkerchief embroidered with green plumsWhen snowflakes swirl again, let meHear you play, from farBeyond the clouds of grayOn the horse made of bamboo——1.29. '16 by Blue Coral
Notes: According to Chinese literature, green plums and the toy horse made of bamboo are symbols for the love of the young and innocent.
点点蓝珊瑚,北京人,现居美东。爱好中英文诗歌创作,在网络上以点点笔名发表作品,英文笔名Blue Coral。
Qiu.qiu. Blue Coral, the native of Beijing, now lives in the east coast of United States. She loves to write poetry in English and Chinese. She published a number of her works using pen names: Qiu.qiu. & Blue Coral.
编辑按:”彼岸" 用北美微动博平台,每周向北美和全球朋友推荐优秀诗人的作品。旨在推动诗歌文化在北美, 全球广泛的交流和宣传。 所有作品均属原创。尊重原创,若需转发请注明作者和来源。
彼岸双语专栏顾问:Romaine Scott & Bill Fester