Kindly Remind: It's today, please arrive 7:30-7:45pm! / 大家今晚见喽, 请提前到场! - GNCA Education Night / 大颈家长经验交流会

GNCA-100549  10/25   6953  

Update / Kind reminder: It's tonight. Please arrive between 7:30-7:45pm. 请大家今晚在7:30-7:45之间到场。
Time line Schedule:
7:30--8:00 Mingle, social with GNCA panelists, board members, advisors, members, neighbors and friends
8:00--8:08 GNCA intro, recruiting members, sponsors, upcoming events -- 8 minutes

8:08--8:10 Overview of tonight's Parent Panel Discussion-- 2 minutes

8:10--8:20 Introduction of Panelist--Each Panelist introducing themselves briefly (as have the announcement in writing already) 10 minutes

8:20--9:00 Have each Panelist speak 10 minutes on a subject area they are most familiar with (total 40 minutes):

8:20--8:30 Mary Lau---Elementary School Challenges  / Parental Involvement--Class Parent, PTA, and UPTC

8:30--8:40 Michelle B.---Middle School Transition / Math Placement / Clubs and Sports

8:40--8:50 Alice--Involvement in Sports. How this can make a difference on your college application

8:50--9:00 Leah--College Admissions Process / Learning Centers

9:00--9:15 Moderator--Follow-up with specific questions to each of the Panelist on their subject area  (15 minutes)

9:15--9:30 Question and Answer Session with Audience (15 minutes)
9:30--9:35 Closing Remarks (5 minutes)

Total Time approximately 1 hour and 35 minutes. 

============================================ Great Neck Chinese Association Presents:

Education Night
1. Location: Great Neck House 

2. Time: November 19, 2015, Thursday, 8:00-9:45pm

3. Panelists: Mary Lau, Michelle Hung Balkcom, Alice Ngai-Tsang, Leah Meng (Bio as below)

4. Languages: English and Chinese

5. Attendee limits: 100 people.

1. How to involve with our schools and make a difference.
2. Hidden school programs and resources that some of us are not aware of.
3. Effectiveness of learning centers and after schools.
4. What is success? What makes a student successful? Come join us for a discussion with experienced parents and panelists and learn more about the Great Neck school district. Registration is now open at The event is free and open to everyone in the community, however, we do reserve priorities to GNCA
members. Please join GNCA membership via
, if you have not already done so (each family: $25/yr, $200 permanent). Feel free to send in your questions at  

Brought to you by the GNCA Parent Panel Committee: Nathan Fong, Wen Wu, Ke Wei, Ding Li, Chenxin Xu, Hui Liu, Fiona Hu, Mimi Hu, Mo Chen



1. 地点:大颈公园区俱乐部

2. 时间:2015年11月19日,星期四,晚上8点至9点45

3. 嘉宾:Mary Lau, Michelle Hung Balkcom, Alice Ngai-Tsang, Leah Meng (敬请查看下面详尽的嘉宾介绍,及编者按)

4. 语言: 英语和中文

5. 人数限制: 100人。


1. 怎样参与学校的活动和学区的建设

2. 学校不为人熟知的资源和活动

3. 课外补习班的作用

4. 怎样定义成功的教育


GNCA 家长交流会委员会:

Nathan Fong, Wen Wu, Ke Wei, Ding Li, Chenxin Xu, Hui Liu, Fiona Hu, Mimi Hu, Mo Chen


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Panelists' Bio:

1, Mary Lau is a mother of 3 children in the 1st, 3rd and 5th grade at Lakeville Elementary School.  She holds a B.S. in Business, Management and Finance.  Mary has worked in both the financial and healthcare industries throughout her career at J.P. Morgan Chase, United Healthcare, Xerox and currently as a V.P. of Product Management in Emerging Markets at MasterCard Worldwide.
Mary came to America when she was 4 years old and grew up in Brooklyn, NY. While growing up in Bensonhurst she remembers how there were only a few Chinese immigrant families living there.  She also remembers school events and seeing her friend’s mother’s volunteering and wishing that her mother was there as well.

Mary and her family has lived in the Great Neck School district for 8 years and has met many great families through volunteering at school events.  She currently is on the Lakeville PTA serving as the Treasurer and co-chair of the Plant Sale for the last 3 years.  She was also a co-president at Parkville School for 1 year and Treasurer for 5 years and UPTC Treasurer for 2 years.  Mary is also the assistant and class parent for her children’s classes.  This year she has taken on additional activities at school such Yearbook committee, chairing the 3rd grade Multicultural event, and 5th grade graduation activities. The joy she gets out of the volunteering is meeting new parents, learning about what is happening in the school and of course seeing the smile on her children’s faces when they see her volunteering at an event.

2, Michelle Hung Balkcom is an active parent in the Great Neck School District. She has 3 sons - in South High School, South Middle School and Lakeville School. She serves on the Executive Boards at South High School as Executive Vice President, South Middle School as Outreach Coordinator, and Lakeville as Vice President of Membership, and previously at Parkville as Vice President of Membership. She has chaired the Lakeville Food Allergy Committee for Tolerance since 2008 and continues to co-chair today. She has also chaired Parkville's Lunar New Year Celebration for 4 years. She is an active member of UPTC's Health Education Committee, serves on South High School's Share Decision Making Committee, and has served in the past on Lakeville's Shared Decision Making Committee. She has been class parent or assistant class parent for the past 10 years and has helped shape the Membership and Class Parent Roles into what they are today. Michelle currently is the practice manager of her family's orthodontic practice at Rockefeller Center. She is a former practicing attorney. Michelle moved to Long Island in 1970 and has lived in New Hyde Park and has been in the Great Neck School district since 2000.

3, Alice Ngai-Tsang has been a residence of Great Neck for the past 15 years. She has two sons--one attending the US Military Academy of West Point, and one attending  South High School. Alice has been an active participant and volunteer for the Great Neck School District since her boys were attending Parkville Kindergarten. She has participated in community / school activities, cultural heritage festivals, and with the PTA at South Middle and High School  with their staff appreciation luncheons for many years. Alice has been a board member of the Great Neck Chinese Association for the past 8 years and is the chair of the Total Community Involvement Group. Also, Alice is a founding organizer of  the Independent Senior of New Hyde Park at Gloria Dei Evangelical Lutheran Church. Alice is currently is a Surgical Physician Assistant working at the New York Presbyterian Queens Hospital in Flushing and has a Masters of Science Degree from SUNY Stony BrookAlice一家于15年前從queens 搬家到大颈学区。热衷参与学校学区社区建设,赤忱爱心关心老少弱势群体。持之以恒支持孩子们参与集体体育项目,二個兒子都是学校足球队足球俱乐部核心主力。大儿子因足球等优势录入闻名遐迩的西点军校,目前正在上大學第二年(今年春假还专程和母亲参加GNCA大颈社区纪念日游行),小儿子目前還在south high school 謮11年级。

4, Leah Meng is a Great Neck Parent with two kids. Leah's daughter recently graduated from Great Neck South High School as the 2015 graduate representative, had received offers and scholarships from a list of well-known universities, and is currently attending Princeton University. Leah's son is a second grader in Lakeville school. Leah moved to Long Island in 2004 and has been in Great Neck District since 2008. Leah works in JP Morgan Chase and has volunteered in school district and communities through years. Leah 毕业于北师大教育系,18 年前和先生一起来美定居。她积极参与学校学区社区建设和自愿者活动。女儿是大颈南高中2015优秀毕业生代表,获多所名校录取及奖学金,目前就读于普林斯顿大学。



- 3个孩子全职工作的Mary会用全年一半的个人假期,提前安排好每次请半天假赶到学校,争取参加all PTA meetings & school events.

- Michelle 会为学校学前班孩子们的一次春节活动,连续数周忙碌、甚至通宵不睡,排出所有义工的时间表,逐个一一联系确认,以保证每个志愿家长如愿参加她/他所希望的时段,哪怕是一小时、半小时、做个手工。开学前联系确认所有的班级家长,活动前确认翻译宣传就绪……

- Alice可以8年如一日在非盈利组织埋头默默支持每一活动,15年如一日连年支持学校的谢师宴……

- Leah 一个孩子面临入大学、一个孩子才入小学,忙碌的身影仍会出现在不同的志愿者群中,传统文化、社区参政议政……