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余宗宪医生强调,如每个收到这份简讯的人,能够转发十份给其他人,肯定至少有一条生命将会被挽救回来... 我已经做了我的部分了,希望你也能帮忙做了你的部分。感谢!

Drink hot lemon water can prevent cancer. Don't add sugar. Hot lemon water is more beneficial than cold lemon water.
Both yellow n purple sweet potato have good cancer prevention properties.

01. 常吃宵夜会得胃癌,因为胃得不到休息often taking supper late night can increase the chance of stomach cancer

02. 一个星期只能吃四颗蛋,吃太多,对身体不好never take more than 4 eggs per week

03. 鸡屁股,含有致癌物,不要吃比较好eating pope's nose (chicken backside) can cause stomach cancer

04. 饭后吃水果是错误的观念,应是饭前吃水果never eat fruit after meal. Shd be before meal

05. 月经来时,不要喝绿茶,反正茶类的不要喝就对了,多吃可以补血的东西don't take tea during menstruation period

06. 喝豆浆时不要加鸡蛋及糖,也不要喝太多take less soy milk, no adding sugar or egg to soy milk

07. 空腹时不要吃蕃茄,最好饭后吃don't eat tomato with empty stomach

08. 早上醒来先喝一杯水,预防结石drink a glass of plain water every morning before food to prevent gall bladder stones

09. 睡前三小时不要吃东西,会胖no food 3 hrs before bed time

10. 少喝奶茶,因为高热量高油脂,没有营养价值可言,长期饮用易罹患高血压,糖尿病drink less Teh Tarik, no nutritional properties but can cause diabetes n hypertension

11. 刚出炉的面包,不宜马上食用do not eat toast bread when it is hot from oven or toaster

12. 远离充电座,人体应远离30 公分以上,切忌放在床边do not charge your handphone or any device next to u when ur sleeping

13. 每天十杯水,膀胱癌不会来drink 10 glasses of water a day to prevent bladder cancer

14. 白天多喝水,晚上少喝水drink more water in the day time, less at night

15. 一天不要喝两杯以上的咖啡,喝太多易导致失眠,胃痛don't drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day, may cause insomnia n gastric

16. 多油脂的食物少吃! 因为得花5-7 小时去消化,并使脑中血液集中到肠胃,易昏昏欲睡eat less oily food. It takes 5-7 hrs to digest them, makes u feel tired

17. 下午五点后,大餐少吃。因为五点后,身体不需那么多能量after 5pm, eat less

18. 十种吃了会快乐的食物: 深海鱼,香蕉,葡萄柚,全麦面包,菠菜,大蒜,南瓜,低脂牛奶,鸡肉,樱桃。 food that makes u happy: deep sea fish, banana, grapefruit, whole meal bread, spinach, garlic, pumpkin, low fat milk, chicken, peach.

19. 睡眠不足会变笨; 一天须八小时睡眠,有午睡习惯,较不易老。 sleep less than 8 hrs a day may deteriorate our brain function. Taking Afternoon naps may keep our youthful look.

热的柠檬水可以救你一辈子~ hot lemon water can sustain your health n make u live longer


热柠檬~只杀癌细胞! hot lemon water kills cancer cells

切2~3薄片柠檬放在杯子里,加入热水,它会变成「碱性水」,每天饮用,对任何人都有益。 add hot water to 2-3 slices of lemon. Make it a daily drink

热 柠檬水能释放一种苦涩抗癌物质,这是在医药领域有效治疗癌症的最新进展,冰涷柠檬水只有维他命C,就如番茄要煮熟才有茄红素。 the bitterness in hot lemon water is the best substance to kill cancer cells. Cold lemon water only has vitamin C, no cancer prevention.
Cooked tomato has healing properties than the raw tomato.

热柠檬汁对囊肿及肿瘤产生影响。 hot lemon water can control cancer tumor growth.

被证明能够补救所有类型的癌症clinical tests hv proven hot lemon water works.


另… 柠檬汁内的柠檬酸和柠檬多酚, 能调整高血压,有效预防深静脉栓塞,调整血液回圈,减低血液凝块。 hot lemon water can prevent blood clots.
