anonymous-633 03/29 51944.5/168
Hi, Mxxx,
Thank you very much. I will be at the event tomorrow morning in Campbell.
I was wondering if you might be able to modify the wording of the very end of my document – the part on SCA 5. Last night I led a meeting (I’m the President of the Peninsula Division of the League of California Cities this year) and we had Senator Jerry Hill, Assemblyman Rich Gordon and Assemblyman Kevin Mullin speak. I asked them a question about SCA 5. Senator Hill and Assemblyman Gordon told us that they are already planning a year-long campaign to inform the people of the need for “affirmative action” and why this constitutional amendment should be accepted by all.
I do not agree. I was amazed that they never once spoke to the fact that SCA 5 now refers to ALL levels of public education, not just postsecondary. This proposed constitutional amendment enables discrimination and is wrong.
I’ve changed the end of my document (that last paragraph) to reflect some of this new information. This is my new last paragraph:
When then Assemblyman Hernandez put forward Assembly Bill 2047 to enable discrimination in our post-secondary schools, it should have been a wakeup call to all of us. But instead, one party completely backed him and the other opposed. Thankfully, Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed it. Then, as a Senator, he brought forward Senate Bill 185 and again, the bill flew through on party lines, Democrats for it and Republicans opposed. Thankfully, Governor Brown vetoed that one. Hernandez’ next attempt was a Constitutional Amendment (SCA 5) that not only would have enabled discrimination in our colleges, but at ALL levels of education. Some referred to SCA 5 as an “act” or gave it nicknames. This is no mere bill going through the legislature. It is serious. It is an amendment to our constitution – the very basis of the laws we live by. Thankfully, we stood up louder than ever, and together with all people who abhor discrimination, we stopped it – for now. Our work is not over. I recently spoke with majority leaders of the Senate and they are already planning a campaign to bring this back. Discrimination is wrong: diligence and extra communication are essential to ensuring that bills and constitutional amendments like this one do not go unnoticed again. I am committed to ensuring that we all stay informed.
Thank you,
Chuck Page
Candidate for CA Assembly District 28
District Life & Financial Svcs Specialist, Farmers Insurance Co
City Council Member, City of Saratoga