Catharine Baker(R) - Attorney to Discuss Campaign for District 16 Assemblymember 7:00 PM on 3/23

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因为SCA5,大家的政治参与积极性高涨,意识到推举能代表自己利益的候选人的重要性。现在我们16区将提供机会,分别邀请四位州众议员候选人来到我们社区同大家见面,希望大家不要错过这个机会。下面是Catharine Baker (Republican) 与我们见面的会议通知,希望大家尽早报名。
16th assembly district group has invited Catharine Baker (Republican) - Attorney, for a discussion about her campaign for Assembly member of District 16.

Time: 03/23/2014, Sun 7:00 pm
6693 Owens Drive
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(Thanks Sun Flower Academy/向日葵文武学院for providing us the place to meet.)

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