投资理财群周笔记(03/23/2015-03/29/2015) 群主:张蕊
user3097-3097 03/30 78053.5/2
讨论1: 问问专家, 一个年轻人刚刚结婚,高收入,如何减少交税?does K1 income same as 1099?
(1)mortgage a big house. 其实大房子的房贷利息,地税虽然可以减少税负,但是收入高到一定程度,AMT kicks in,还是省不了多少。许多deductions, 大房子,etc, get phased-out, ie reduced at higher income. AMT is inevitable. No easy way out.
(2)一股来说K-1 income 不要交SS tax,这是好处,但K-1不能用来作退休计划,如SEP 或Defined Benefit plan, 类似于出租房收入。而1099收入除了与business 有关的开销可以抵税外,还可以用来设立pension plan,多的可以抵税十几万或几十万(取决于年龄和收入)
(3)have a baby before year end. 如果有dependent care cost (children or parents) 和out of pocket 医疗费用,可以预先存入FSA with pretax money.
(4)one effective way to handle this for Wall Street big earners is deferred comp.
(5)如S-Corp, Trust, partnership,最后都pass through 到个人收入上,当然你仔细看K-1,上面也有短期和长期capital gain, tax free interest, qualified dividend, etc.
(6)可以maximize 401K。
(7)慈善捐款,或者捐物折旧。Charity donation 可以抵当年收入的up to 三分之一,剩余的可以carry over.
讨论2: 关于municipal bond
似乎没有哪位提到过municipal bond,高收入,富人的必持投资产品。如果您高收入,muni 在您的portfolio中应有一定位置。
讨论3: hit amt之后的mortgage interest的deduction的问题
IRS publication 936 mortgage interest. Deduction is independent of AMT. The upper limit is $1million mortgage interest.
BLUNT THE AMT. Moderately wealthy residents of high income tax states are prone to get hit by the alternative minimum tax. If you fit this profile, or are likely to in the future, you can limit your pain by holding a mortgage equal to a large proportion of the value of your home.
Why so? With the AMT, you can’t deduct property or state income taxes. But mortgage interest remains fully deductible. So if you own a lot of house and would pay AMT with or without a big mortgage, it pays to lever up.
讨论4: Time to invest in solar instead of oil ?
But that's precisely it's the reason it is an opportunity. Environmental concerns and political pressure are there. It's just matter of time.
It is still too expensive without feed in tariff now. Just look at how Europeans successfully paid so much on utilities. We should thank US government who didn't commit to CO2 reduction. As consumers. But price of solar panels continue to drop. Things could change. But I agree the storage of energy is more interesting. Just don't know when.
讨论5: 如何判断好管理层
管理层,去看track record. 如果是good business, a mediocre management is OK. If it is a bad business, you need a really good management to make the company good. That is why the management of Exxon is so great in my opinion. Valuation is the most difficult part and need to be justified considering business, management, macro, market, risk, balance sheet, and your time horizon.This is the hardest part and depend on your style and temperament. You can only know by doing. There are no real rules in my opinion. But one rule almost always works, if you hear too many people loving and talking about something, it is probably not a good deal.
If you heard everybody absolutely hate it or nobody talks about it, and you can feel confident that the company will not go out of business/ bankrupt, it usually is a good deal. Like AMEX when Buffet bought it, Merck had the recall trouble, Baidu 2 years ago, Apple 1.5 year ago etc. Probably oil companies in aggregate today. Many people have visions for 10 years later, then this rule is probably not so applicable to those.
讨论6: credit default swap etf
If you are passionate about buying or selling insurance or everything between, here is your play ground. Chance to make a lot more than selling life insurance. For rest of us, maybe use it to watch the health of the credit market.
讨论7: accidental death insurance
In the event of the airplane crash today, I just want to remind everybody that accident death insurance is cheap. If your company offers it, max it. But try not to get from someone who will try to sell you some other insurance products and offers you to add the accidental death for free.
讨论8: 比如30岁买20年term 到50岁 换成30年term 这样可行么?还是30岁买30年term,六十岁以上的有别的insurance with death benefits?
讨论9: long term care, 有单独买的吗? 只见过包括在vul里的?那费用是不是比term 高很多?
可以单独买。It depends on what kind of coverage you want. The insurance company will try to ask you to consider the worst case but they never tell you the worst case is insurance company going out of business.
LTC is little tricky. No one can protect the future cost of LTC. If the inflation shoots up, your million dollar policy may only last for a few month when you needed. So best thing is to invest your money in the market and real estate.
讨论10: Living Will, Health Agent and Power of Attorney
A living will might be more important than LTC. Living Will, Health Agent and Power of Attorney should be in place. One could designate spouse as health agent and power of attorney. I doubt anyone else can really act the health agent. or maybe when your child grows up. The worst case is not when you dead, but you are missing or become bananas.
If you designate someone (such as son) as your power of attorney, you could either find a lawyer or DIY and then get notarized. If you choose to DIY, google a template. Its State specific. If you like (especially if it authorize real estate transaction), you may record it in Town Clark office too.
写遗嘱时候,不管有没有别的亲属在美国,你至少要指定配偶为healthcare 代理人。遗嘱是个人的,不能夫妻合用一份。而且不是说夫妻就天经地义地有资格给对方作一切决定。以前那个佛州脑死亡女子的丈夫就和岳父母为医疗决定打官司。
讨论11: what do you think of Morgan Stanley wealth management, for over seeing 401K, and other investments?Mostly no extra costs, but access to expert advice and research information, at the same time, 门槛不那么高?
Morgan Stanly不清楚,但是JP Morgan最近两年调查发现很多中低端客户,所以推出了针对15万,25万,50〜100万的理财计划。而且顺便成为Chase的Private Client。
其实,哪家公司并不最要紧,很多都是reputable 的。最关键是具体的人,it boils down to the specific people you will work with. 这里有一些选择的criteria. 会找机会展开说说。
有朋友介绍说,在Morgan Stanly 可开401k 或其它账户。并得到expert advice, and in house research information. There is no extra cost to maintain the accounts, Some account with frequent trading account has a 1.3% annual cost.
账户是哪里都可以开,除401k是公司指定。maintain accounts maybe no extra cost. But to get advice, especially if someone works on your account specifically, it is not going to be free and there is fee involved.
讨论12: 关于irs audit
讨论13: tax day trading
Since 2005, in the 10 trading days before April 15, the S&P 500 is only up 30 percent of the time, with a flat average return.
But in the 10 trading days AFTER April 15th, the S&P is up 90 percent of the time, with an average return of 2.0 percent.
From up 30 percent of the time before April 15th to up 90 percent of the time after April 15th. That's significant.
This worked across the board: the Dow was up 100 percent of the time (10 out of 10 years!), the Nasdaq 90 percent.
讨论14: If you get hit by AMT, what can you do to reduce damage?
reduce your adjusted gross income by participating in a 401k plan, maximize salary deferral contribution. If you are self-employed, claim on schedule C instead of misc expense on sch A. If you have sizable investment portfolio outside of your tax-deferred accounts, switching to tax-efficient mutual funds, tax exempted bonds to lower your AGI. If you claim standard deduction, try to use itemized deduction even it might be less than standard as standard is not allowed in AMT. one more, when to pay is important . If payment can be delayed to the years that your income fall outside the AMT range.
讨论15: 自雇者的一些省税办法
For self employed people, can contribute 25% of annual income, up to $53,000, to your SEP retirement account. 那是tax deductible的。和401款比起来,SEP has much higher cap than 401K, up to 25%.SEP has minimum paperwork and cost to maintain. It is just like an IRA account in term s of management.
DB (defined benefit) plan which is a good vehicle for taking great amount of deduction for self employed people。
讨论16: step by step IRA to Roth IRA backdoor conversion including tax filing
讨论17: is there a disability insurance policy that is not conditioned on being employed? (i.e. will not suspended when being unemployed or self-employed?) The condition says: the insurance company may require proof of employment during the 90 days before EVERY annivsersary。non-employer sponsored disability insurance is quite expensive. do you have any suggestion / recommendation for cover the risk of lost income + medical bill in the event of medically disabled for self-employed?
DI与职业和收入有关,一般最多能买到目前收入的70%, 最多个月一万元.越是容易disable的职业越贵,如手术科医生。DI的定义也各不相同,有些严有些松,看你要什么。
很多行业的association 都提供disibility insurance, 比如 aicpa, freelancer union等,而且也不贵。
讨论18: how to hedge your portfolio against today's market risk?
Forbes 建议的策略是hedge with oil 和军工。
hedge with 美国房地产。美国房市的g factor还比较低。离拐点还比较远。
目前股市earnings yield 并未超出历史低位,而相对美国利率却十分吸引人。
讨论19: 如果有其他的traditional ira是否一定要一起convert? 如果traditional ira已经转成annuity, 是否要convert, 如何convert?如果不convert annuity中的ira, 怎么算呢?是否每年convert ira 时都要计算一遍annuity呢?
所有ira不用一起Roth conversion, 但要一起算conversion ratio, before and after tax contribution, for tax purpose .
只要是IRA 型的annuity都要加在一起算pro rate,再计算有多少百分比要交税,比较复杂。不仅是传统IRA,就是SEP 和Simple IRA也要加在一起算。401k和pension不算。在annuity中的IRA如果未到期很难convert,可能会有很大的surrender charge。
只要你是开Backdoor Roth, annuity中的IRA就要拿来算,每年要填报一个税表。
讨论20: 女儿在NC大学, 拿的是full ride scholarship, 在NC打工挣了几百刀, 该怎么办呢? 她算是NJ RESIDENT or NC resident?
scholarship should be tax free.No tax liability for her. If she had a w-2 and tax had been withheld, you file her return for refund purpose.
You claim her as a dependent on your tax return if your kid has no other incomes, like dividend, interest, distribution etc.
The scholarship is for qualified expense, which are tuition , books, supplies,etc. however, room, travel are not qualified. You have to included in your gross income.
If the scholarship is sourced from NC, she files as NC resident.
讨论21:大学生署假打工的钱怎么报?和父母一起还是自己报?洲税在哪儿拿在哪儿报吗?withhold tax 多少合适?
In general, if your dependent makes money and your income is decent, it's better to file separate.
有intern的分开报,收入几千到2万多的都不用交税,0 tax withholding, 还可以拿$1000credit回来,即使不交税。因为交了学费有AOC 之类credit,只有大学四年有这个机会, 不要错过。Hit AMT的家庭孩子单独报没有任何损失,只怕收入太少不够格单独报。Minimal income is $6200 for filing separately.
讨论22:请教 summer camp cost 在什么情况可以 deductible?
summer camp 费用小孩13岁以上就不能减税了。住宿非住宿也不一样。
而且父母都有做工才行,如果父母中有一人閒在家裡孩子的Summer camp也是不能deduct的。
讨论23:请问一个税的问题,儿子在上大学,我付一半学费,我可不可以以 head of household 身份报税?
讨论24: 有关wfg
观点一:我以前做过100多份保险,从未做过Replacement,公司也不鼓励;我的上下线最起码有硕士学位;我只花了不到半年就从30%到了50%;$100 membership fee 是一次性的。其实最关键的是,不管做什么生意都是有投入的。
也许很多人太急功近利了吧,但要是想卖保险或金融产品,我认可那个结构。我十几年前加入就一个简单目的,学点金融知识,要不然上哪学去呀?那段经历对我后来的房地产起了很重要的作用。啥都不白学,Open mind有用哟。
观点二:Wfg, aka, Transamerica, has come up in the past discussion. Each of us, probably know at least a couple among our acquaintance. People who speaks against it gets no pay, no commission and no upside, other than “对得起自己的心”。That is what makes these opinions, including the article, more trustworthy than not.
WFG as a whole, 口碑不佳, which logically you can't 反驳 by your own case。任何职业都有它基本的职业道德, 就看处在本行业里的人想不想遵守。金融行业, 道德高于学识, 你能持反对意见,至少说明你有别与别人。
Good products don't need a lot of salesperson. If a product needs a lot of salespersons, the chances are your money go to the salespersons. If the money is so easy to make, why do they make themselves.
Those salesperson knows very little about financial products unless they were CFAs or actuaries. Insurance companies came up these completed products because they don't want people to understand which don't have to be that way so the sales people can use company prepared scripts to sell。Those products, because of their complexity, the cost to create and maintain are high.
wfg的business model还是有可取之处的;如果要说问题的话,应该是金融产品里面的道道太多了。拿commission的,在推荐产品的时候估计都是先考虑自己赚多少钱吧。所以很容易出现产品不合适的情况。象前面有人提到,这是职业道德问题。很多坚持做下来的,应该是在自己跟客户利益之间权衡比较好的。这也不仅仅是金融业的问题。大家都在dealer那里买过车吧,那推销员的功夫如何?
我在不同年份被不同的人和不同的group都叫去参加过WFG。总体感觉不舒服,更谈不上真诚.言过其实,乱吹捧。一吹二骗三哄。But business is business. 我相信能做到高级而且生存了很多年的人是比较会说话,会做人,平衡点掌握得不错。
撇开wfg,金融产品以及从业人员真实鱼龙混杂,不好分辨。所以很多人建议避免拿commission的理财专家,因为利益冲突。建议fee based advisor. fee-based, client's interest and advisor's interest is aligned! 客户账号涨了,fee才涨。账号滞后,客户可以走人,就没有fee了.
跟据我一直在读的文章, fee base是trend, fee based model, 在西方高端客户中,由于它的利益挂钩,你好我才好,早已是广为接受,天经地义。华人中,相对新概念,也越来越多人明白接受了。
The best thing to do is don't answer sales call. Don't open sales mails. Don't go too these free dinner, free vacations, free cruises. You are not special, money is not going to rain on you. Do your homework.
讨论25: Is there any historical data to show that in long term REIT investment is better than real estate investment? Seems REIT could be much volatile than real estate?
去年vanguard的vnq狂涨了30%多。Don't see long long term REIT. Most won't last more than one cycle.
讨论26: 1995 vs 2012收入对比