Cupertino School District 8th Grade Essay Contest by AAPA
中国旅美科技协会硅谷分会(CAST-SV)-1315 02/26 83185.0/2
如果你家里有8年级的孩子(必须是Cupertino 学区),参加这个essay 比赛,得奖者有$100的奖金,还免费听美国畅销作家敏安琪的座谈。
Asian American Parent Association(AAPA)
8th Grade Essay Contest
The Asian American Parent Association (AAPA) in coordination with the Cupertino Union School District is holding an essay contest for all 8th graders. One winner will be selected from each of the five middle schools. Essay winner from each middle school will receive a $100 cash scholarship award. Please complete and submit this form to AAPA with your essay attached to The Scholarship Committee will review all submissions and present the awards at the Annual AAPA Spring Luncheon on Saturday March 28, 2015 at 11:30am.
1. Download and Complete this from
2. Submit this form with essay to by March 20
3. Confirmation of receipt of your essay will be e-mailed to you
4. Winners will be notified by the Scholarship Committee by March 23, 2015 to parent and student email addresses
Student Name ______________
School and Room # _________
Student email_______________
Parent Name_______________
Home Phone# ______________
Parent Email _______________
Please read the following that details the essay contest topic and rules:
*All and only 8th graders are eligible to enter this essay contest
*Topic of essay is: Describe An Experience Where You Felt Personally Enriched by Embracing Cultural Diversity
*Essay is limited to 1000 words
*Must submit this form along with essay by email to: by March 20, 2015
*Please print your name and date this form
Name of Student ___________
Date _____________