Hao Music Academy 钢琴  声乐 大提琴 乐理课   专业钢琴伴奏        12280 Saratoga Sunnyvale Rd, Suite 207, Saratoga CA 95070

音响教室-115907  11/06   53873  

地址: 12280 Saratoga Sunnyvale Rd 
            Suite 207, Saratoga CA, 95070
            Tel: (650) 862 6767
                 (650) 924 5222

Saratoga CA 95070


12280 Saratoga Sunnyvale RD 

Suite 207, Saratoga CA 95070

吴昊,美国旧金山音乐学院Staff Pianist,中国沈阳音乐学院系艺术指导教师,副教授,硕士。中国国家交响乐团合唱团特聘艺术指导,中国山东师范大学硕士研究生导师,中国国家留学基金委公派俄罗斯圣彼得堡音乐学院访问学者,美国旧金山音乐学院合作钢琴专业(Collaborative Piano)PSD。曾为200余场独唱、重唱音乐会担任艺术指导,经常合作的歌唱家包括李鳌、石倚洁等。 吳老師在沈阳音乐学院任教十五年。有丰富的教学经验。
Staff Pianist at San Francisco Music Conservatory An associate prof of Vocal Art Department of Shenyang Music Conservatory. Master degree. Advises music graduate students in Shandong Normal University. He was sent to Saint Petersburg Music Conservatory by the Chinese government as a visiting scholar and came back with distinguished honor. He is also serving as the art coach of the chorus of China Nation Symphony Orchestra. he won a scholarship and study with Timothy Bach, (Chair,Collaborative Piano SFCM) as PSD of Piano Accompaniment of SF Music Conservatory. He has done piano accompaniment and coached for more than 200 concerts or recitals, and collaborated with a score of world-class vocal artists including Yijie Shi, Ao Li, Ying Huang, Xiuyin Li, etc. and his skill and super cooperation ability have been highly praised. Also he is the Kristin Panconin Award winner of 2017 of San Fransisco Music Conservatory. 
https://hao.academy/ Tel: (650)862 6767 www.music94043.com Tel: (650) 924 5222

周南女士四岁开始学习钢琴,10岁的时候便被挑进了著名音乐学府:中央音乐学院附中,并且因为专业成绩优异,直升中央音乐学院大学部。 周南女士曾在南加大音乐系进修音乐,从Cleveland  Institute of  Music in Cleveland, OH 取得音乐本科学位,后又在Boston University in Performing Arts 取得表演硕士学位。 周南女士有丰富的舞台演奏经验,曾随团在日本欧洲南美巡回演出。她拥有超过20年的执教经验,曾经执教Arlington Performing Arts High School 和University of Connecticut. 周南女士现在是 Chinese Music Teachers Association of Northern California 成员, 曾是Music Teachers Association of California的成员。  
Please visit www.music94043.com for more info

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