Emotional Intelligence

簡單蒙福的恩來-102670  04/24   4207  

Original Published Link:  https://lifeofpassion583123442.wordpress.com/2018/04/24/emotional-intelligence/

Emotional Intelligence

  • Recognizing Emotions: Identifying emotions in self and in others. Understanding the causes and effects of emotions; the transitions among emotions, the relationships among words and emotions
  • Regulating Emotions: Ability to engage or detach from emotions; moderate negative emotions and enhance pleasant ones


Primary causes of derailment in leadership are deficits in emotional competence

Top three causes:

  1. Difficulty in handling change
  2. Not being able to work well on a team
  3. Poor interpersonal relations



Emotion Equation

Situation + Response = Experience

Situation: Uncontrollable factor                 Response: Controllable factor

Example: In a traffic jam, drivers respond differently to the same situation


Hard-Wired Emotions (universal to all human beings)

mood 2Six universal emotionsh

Learned Emotions

  • Humility
  • Sympathy
  • Forgiveness
  • Empathy
  • Gratitude
  • Optimism
  • Compassion
  • Patience
  • Cooperation


Regulating Emotions

Knowing and using effective strategies to prevent, reduce, initiate, maintain, and enhance emotions

Detect negative emotion by observing behaviors e.g. increase tenseness, eye contact avoidance

  • Do not judge; do not label others’ emotion (people often deny their negative emotions)
  • State the observable behaviors, let the person label his / her own feelings

Process our emotional responses

  • Take deep breaths (cool down physical triggers of emotions)
  • Take time (delay response)
  • Provide space to reflect (e.g. take a cool down walk from the situation)

Ways to improve control of emotions

  • Meditation
  • Deep breath exercise

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