致Doug Ford和Tanya Granic Allen的公开信
安省选民 03/25 10924Mar. 24th, 2018
Dear Mr. Doug Ford and Mrs. Tanya Granic Allen:
First of all, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Mrs. Tanya Allen who could stand up for the parental rights during the recent campaign for the Ontario PC leadership. Because of your genuine voice and firm stand, around 80 people joined PC party in an electoral district as small as Aurora Oak Ridges Richmond Hill with only 630 confirmed online ballots. Following the voting strategy of “Tanya First, Ford Second”, these new members were instrumental in helping Mr. Doug Ford score a definite win over Christine Elliott with a stunning 73.1% Vs 26.9% result in this riding.
Mr. Doug Ford, please accept our congratulations again on your successful election as the new Ontario PC Party leader. As the supporters for Mrs. Tanya Allen, we will unanimously stand behind you with one common goal, which is, to defeat Kathleen Wynne in the provincial election in June. We have faith in your charismatic leadership.
While we are now in full swing to prepare for the upcoming provincial race , we would like to bring to your attention the following critical issues reflecting our voices and concerns:
1) The Non-Resident Speculation Tax("NRST"): The stability of housing market is one of the key measures to evaluate the healthiness of an economy. As the residents of this beloved country, we would embrace effective policies to rationalize the residential property price in the region for the well-being of ourselves as well as the next generation. However, the key controversy over the NRST is its obscurity as to the extent of cooling-down effect on the housing market. As such, we believe that a panel consisting of experts in real estate, legal, financial service areas and other related fields should delve into the issue by performing more in-depth research and analysis on the various information and data. A comprehensive package of policies may serve the best interests for the public instead of simply imposing the NRST by the Liberal Party or dismissal of it. Without any well-conceived and ultimate solution in place, prudence shall be exercised to avoid unnecessary misinterpretation and panic.
2) Legalization of Cannabis: Since the federal government introduced the legislation to regulate and legalize marijuana last year, more and more Chinese Canadian voters have been united to voice our opposition against such act. It seems on track that the marijuana will be legalized this summer after the Senate voted in favor of C-45 during a "second reading" yesterday. Among all the ridicules demonstrated by the Trudeau's liberal government over the past years, this has become one of the major reasons why we would work together to make sure that the incumbent government will step down at the next federal election. While we cannot reverse this inevitability of cannabis legalization, we call for our legal rights to have a say in the location of the future cannabis retail stores in our communities, schools and municipalities, in the regulation on accessibility by the underaged and in our involvement and governance with regard to raising awareness of a safe environment for children in and outside school and other relevant aspects.
3) Political Agenda on Islamophobia: Canada is known and respected for its freedom, equality, democracy and inclusiveness among all races, colors and religions. Therefore it will be deemed extremely unfair that one particular ethnic group and religion will have the privilege over others with the institution of Anti-Islamphobia Act. It should be repealed.
4) Sex-Ed Curriculum: The radical sex education curriculum introduced by Ontario Liberal Government that have outraged so many parents shall be revisited and revised in consultation with experienced educators, school boards and parents.
5) Carbon Tax: With sliding economy and rising living costs in Ontario, carbon tax will offer no benefits by putting more burdens on taxpayers. It should be repealed.
Yours Sincerely,
Concerned Voters in Ontario
谭雅女士,首先借此机会,向您表示衷心的感谢。感谢您将社会保守派的声音带到了党领竞选中,感谢您维护父母权益。在Oak Ridge 这样一个仅有630票的区,为您而来的新党员有近80票,这些人都是谭雅第一,福特第二。最后福特以73.01%战胜CE26.9%。
1) 关于海外买家房产税:希望房价能够平稳健康是居民的广泛意见,本地居民本地下一代可以安居乐业是普遍共识。目前主要争议是这个海外买家税到底对平抑房价的作用有多大?请与专家团队深入探讨,研究数据,制定一个综合有效的方案。自由党单单加设一个买家税不是解决问题的办法,当然,单独的取消它料想也不是终极方案。在没有全面方案出台之前,请避免引起民众恐慌。
2) 关于大麻问题。C45大麻合法化法案刚刚在众议院二读通过。这已经成为越来越多的华人选民不断的团结起来立志在2019年的联邦大选中让土豆下台的重要原因之一。在安省,我们希望省政府给予我们权利对在住宅区内开设大麻店说不,同时,家长可以大麻在校园内外的管理参与意见的权利。